
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp: FLNG: Into Phase of Reality.

For some years already offshore industry is preparing for a leap forward: offshore Floating production of Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG). Shell has sanctioned the Prelude FLNG project, the first real FLNG project formally announced to go ahead. The SBM Offshore group will be involved in this Shell project through the design and delivery of the turret mooring system, but meanwhile SBM Offshore is active as leading partner in consortia dealing with (Pre-) FEED studies for other FLNG projects.
These huge, capital intensive, projects require a sound technical approach towards selection of topsides technology, lay-out, containment systems for storage of LNG, mooring and offloading facilities. Various interesting technical aspects of the FLNG projects will be dealt with in the presentation.


Taco Terpstra, Senior Project Manager en Hajo Helleman, Engineering Project Manager bij SBM Schiedam.

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3115 JD Schiedam


Offshore Techniek

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