Noble Tamar - Solitaire & Audacia
Lecture "Noble Tamar - Solitaire & Audacia"
The Tamar field is located in the Levantine basin of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, about 90 km west of Haifa on the north Israeli coast, at a water depth of 1,678 m. The Tamar deposit, discovered in 2009, holds an estimated 8.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The scope of the main operator, Noble Energy, was to develop a subsea gas production and transportation system connecting the deepwater natural gas field to a gas production plant on the coast of Israel.
In full operation, the Tamar field is expected to supply between 50% and 80% of Israel’s energy needs for the next four decades transforming the country, previously reliant on gas and oil imports, into an energy exporter.
In March 2013, first gas from the field was pumped into a newly erected facility on the coast of Ashdod, connected to the gas field via 150 km long and 16 inch wide pipelines laid on the seafloor by Allseas.
Allseas was responsible for the installation engineering, pipeline structure design and fabrication, and the offshore installation of pipelines and structures. Allseas was contracted for the installation of a total of 750 km of pipe (including piggy-backs) divided into four pipeline groups, 16 subsea pipeline structures and 14 crossing structures, trenching, installation of suction piles and landfall activities.
In 2011 the offshore installation work was carried out by Allseas’ dynamically positioned pipelay vessels Solitaire and Audacia, and the support vessels Calamity Jane and Highland Rover.
The presentation will focus on the engineering challenges during the preparation phase such as piggy-back pipelay in 1,660 m water depth, dual piggy-back pipelay with a pull-in through a steel conduit, J-mode end-structure installation, pipeline initiation methods and the design of structures that need to slide on a fixed mud mat for thermal expansion.
Alexander Huisman, Lead Engineer at Allseas Engineering
* Sandwiches will be available at 6 P.M.
* Sandwiches beforehand and drinks afterwards are offered with the compliments of Allseas.
* Drinks afterwards in café "de Posthoorn" at Lange Voorhout.
* Until 17 September you can indicate with your registration if reserving sandwiches is necessary for you.
* After 17 September there may be a possibility to register - if not fully booked - but no sandwiches will be reserved for you. In that case, you are expected at 7 P.M.
KIVI NIRIA House, Prinsessegracht 23,
2514 AP Den Haag
Offshore Techniek
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