Obtaining the book 50 years KIVI Offshore Technology 1969-2019
Welcome on the webpage on which you can order the KIVI OT Jubilee book! Please note the following:
- The KIVI OT Jubilee book is free for KIVI-members, and 25 euros for non-KIVI members. This excludes 7,50 euro shipping costs (address in The Netherlands).
- The free book for KIVI members is limited to one copy per person, additional copies may be obtained at 25 euros per book
- The KIVI OT Jubilee book is available while stocks last (zolang de voorraad strekt)
- Please read detailed instructions below on how to obtain your copy of the KIVI OT Jubilee book.
Ordering the book for KIVI members
KIVI members can mail order their book by completing the following steps:
- Go to module on the top right side of this page (“Aanmelden voor een evenement”)
- Select “Aanmelden als KIVI lid” and click the red button “Aanmelden"
- Log in using your KIVI credentials
- Fill in the required data, while selecting the option “Bestellen boek voor KIVI leden"
- Complete the payment via iDeal or creditcard
Your copy of the book will be sent to the specified address in The Netherlands. Please note that you will automatically become a member of KIVI Offshore Technology by making use of this free book offer (unless you are already a member of OT). If you don’t want this, please follow the procedure for Non-KIVI-members to order your book.
Ordering the book for non-KIVI members
Non-KIVI members can mail order their book by completing the following steps:
- Go to module on the top right side of this page (“Aanmelden voor een evenement”)
- Select “Aanmelden” (not “Aanmelden als KIVI lid”) and click the red button “Aanmelden"
- Fill in the required data
- Complete the payment via iDeal or creditcard
Your copy of the book will be sent to the specified address in The Netherlands.
Additional options to obtain the book (KIVI members only)
In addition to mail ordering, KIVI members will have the option to collect their copy of the book in person:
- At the reception of the KIVI building during office hours (09:00-17:00), address: Prinsessegracht 23, The Hague.
- During KIVI OT activities until the end of this season (May 2020)
For these options, no shipping costs will be charged. Please note that you will automatically become a member of KIVI Offshore Technology by making use of this free book offer (unless you are already a member of OT). If you don’t want this, please follow the procedure for Non-KIVI-members to order your book.