Offshore Wind Turbine Installation
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- Presentation Andries Hofman & Kayo Vanderheggen
"Offshore Wind Turbine Installation - Safely Pushing The Boundaries"
Wind turbine installation units are typically utilized to the limit of their capabilities. The boundaries as set should therefore be based not only on a thorough understanding of the capacities of the jack-up and crane separately, but also on the behavior of the combined system (jack-up, crane and its suspended load). GustoMSC will clarify in a lecture how analyzing the response of a crane mounted on a jack-up benefits the crane design and, for the existing equipment, may enable the operators to safely push the boundaries of their equipment.
"Offshore Wind Turbine Installation - Safely Pushing The Boundaries"
Wind turbine installation units are typically utilized to the limit of their capabilities. The boundaries as set should therefore be based not only on a thorough understanding of the capacities of the jack-up and crane separately, but also on the behavior of the combined system (jack-up, crane and its suspended load). GustoMSC will clarify in a lecture how analyzing the response of a crane mounted on a jack-up benefits the crane design and, for the existing equipment, may enable the operators to safely push the boundaries of their equipment.
* Sandwiches beforehand and drinks afterwards are offered with the compliments of GustoMSC.
* KIVI members can already register (log in first).
* For non-members -if seats are still available- registration opens at 11 October 2018.
* Until 16 October you can indicate with your registration if reserving sandwiches is necessary for you.
* After 16 October there may be a possibility to registrate -if not fully booked- but no sandwiches will be reserved for you. You will expected by 19.00h then.
Karel Doormanweg 35, 3115 JD Schiedam
Offshore Techniek
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