Offshore Windfarm Construction
"Offshore Windfarm Construction, State of the Art"
DEME has a strong track record in offshore Windfarm construction. DEME’s subsidiaries GeoSea, Tideway and Scaldis provide integrated solutions for such complex projects. Services cover provision of the full balance of plant scope
including foundation structures, offshore cabling, landfall and scour protection as well as turbine installation. DEME is
flexible with regards to contract structuring ranging from transport and installation up to full Engineering, Procurement,
Construction and Installation (EPCI) contracts. In this presentation DEME will share insight on offshore windfarm construction, its state of the art installation capabilities and future expectations.
* Sandwiches beforehand and drinks afterwards are offered with the compliments of DEME.
* Registration for KIVI members opens at 15 September 2018.
* For non-members -if seats are still available- registration opens at 8 November 2018.
* Until 13 November you can indicate with your registration if reserving sandwiches is necessary for you.
* After 13 November there may be a possibility to registrate -if not fully booked- but no sandwiches will be reserved for you. You will expected by 19.00h then.
Bas Nekeman (Business Unit Manager, Offshore Renewables Belgium at DEME) and Sjoerd Meijer (Manager Subsea Business Unit at DEME)
Prinsessegracht 23, 2514 AP Den Haag
Offshore Techniek
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
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Aanmelden via
see above for the date when registration opens