CWTe 6G Symposium Beyond-5G project MyWave
The Center for Wireless Technology (CWTe) cordially invite you to the CWTe 6G Symposium which is scheduled with the closing event of our last Beyond-5G project MyWave on 15th September, see program below.
The PhD students of the MyWave project will present the results of their work during the poster session after the lunch break.
The talks are given by members of the 6G Future Network Services project, a new growths fund (groeifonds) project that was granted this year and that sets out to bring the Netherlands in a leading position for the sixth generation mobile communications.
Time Agenda item Presenter
09:30 u. Walk-in with coffee
10:00 u. Welcome by the chairmen by Ulf Johannsen, TU/e
10:15 u. 6G system overview and requirements, incl. introduction FNS-6G by Pieter Nooren, TNO
11:00 u. 6G applications and opportunities in the Netherlands by Jos Beriere, TNO
11:45 u Lunch + MyWave ESR poster session
13:30 u. 6G millimeter-wave software antennas by Bart Smolders, TU/e
14:15 u. Next generation of efficient 6G power amplifiers by Fred van Rijs, Ampleon
15:00 u. Drinks and networking
16:00 u. End of symposium
You are very welcome to join this event.
If you plan to join, please do register before Monday September 4 via this link:
Registration for Symposium