Online 5G Masterclass 'Nieuwe Innovaties'
5G Masterclass Nieuwe Innovaties
Samen met Founded in Groningen organiseert 5Groningen op donderdag 13 januari 2022 van 16.00 tot 17.00 uur een webinar. Rian van Diedenhoven en Marc Cremers van 5Groningen vertellen je die middag meer over de voordelen die 5Groningen je kan bieden en over de procedure om een âÂÂâÂÂpilot te starten. Ook gaan we dieper in op de mogelijkheden van 5G en een aantal praktijkvoorbeelden van afgeronde 5G pilots. Lasse Licht, mede-eigenaar van startup Mindhash, zal zijn ervaringen delen over de 5G-pilot ‘Traffic Sense’ die hij momenteel doet bij 5Groningen
On Thursday January 13, Rian van Diedenhoven and Marc Cremers of 5Groningen will tell you more about the benefits 5Groningen can offer you and about the application procedure to start a pilot.
Also we will take a closer look at the possibilities of 5G and Rian and Marc will share a number of practical examples of completed 5G pilots to inspire you.
Lasse Licht, co-owner of startup Mindhash, will share his experiences about the 5G pilot ‘Traffic Sense’ he is currently doing at 5Groningen.
Traffic Sense is a device that processes and send LiDAR images via 5G on a fixed location on the Zernike Campus.
The aim is to count vehicles and monitor traffic movements.
Of course there is also the opportunity to ask questions during the webinar.
Program Partners 5Groningen
5Groningen has 10 program partners: Economic Board Groningen, KPN, Agentschap Telecom, VodafoneZiggo, TNO, Huawei, University of Groningen, Surf, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, VMware and Dell Technologies.
In 2018 5Groningen started a close collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) unit Business Applications (BA). Both parties are testing together how 5G and satellite information can complement and reinforce each other.