
-The University of Tennessee Center for Executive and the Aviation Academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences are proud to co-host: LEAN MRO 2016.

-The third edition of this unique course focus exclusively on Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) organizations.

-The master class adresses the following topics: eliminating waste, improving quality, creating flow and enhancing responsiveness to customer needs in the MRO environment.

-You will gain insights into how to apply LEAN principles in the MRO world.

-For managers, engineers, LEAN change agents, and others involved in implementing LEAN concepts in MRO organisations.


Hotel Casa 400, Amsterdam


Young KIVI Engineers

Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Gieta Inderdjiet +31 (0)20 595 1361

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