
VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’

Ever since the dawn of time, men have gazed towards the starlit sky and wondered if we are truly alone in the universe. Over the years, with innovations in engineering and science, we have started to explain the universe around us. Still many fundamental questions remain unanswered, or even undiscovered. This symposium will discuss how close we are to answering one of those burning questions. Are we alone in the universe?

In the 1960s and 1970s, robot planetary explorers swept through the solar system and found no trace of life, or even potential life-supporting environments. Since then, the field of astrobiology has become a formalized field of study. Discoveries have vastly increased the probability that life has existed, or still exists elsewhere in the solar system. Technology has even advanced to the point that we are now discovering vast amounts of potentially life hosting planets outside our solar system, hereby increasing our chance of finding life.

Our symposium will raise the attention to this ongoing search to the unknowns in space. Our ambition is to inspire people to open their eyes and minds and broaden their horizons. Whilst the search for life still challenges the present generation of engineers, the discovery of extraterrestrial life might lead to a brand new era in human history. This poses a set of new challenges for today's students, the future generation of aerospace engineers.

The structure of the symposium is based around the following questions about the search for life. What is it that drives us to prove extraterrestrial life exists? Where can we find life? What methods are we using to find life? What have we discovered so far? What are the odds we will find something? Are we even looking for the right elements of life?

10h00:Opening by Maarten Wormer, President VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'
10h15:Opening by Heinz Stoewer, Chairman
10h30:Prof.dr. E.F. (Ewine) van Dishoeck
11h30:Dr. J. (Jack) Cohen
12h10:Dr. J. (Jorge) Vago
13h50:Guus Borst, Lead Engineer AIT, Dutch Space
14h20:Prof.dr. F.H. (Frank) Israel
15h15:Dr. G. (Gerda) Horneck
15h55:Conclusion by Heinz Stoewer, Chairman


TU Delft Auditorium

Mekelweg 5, 2628 CC, Delft


VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’

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