DC Grids in Industry Phoenix Contact
21 februari 2024
11:45 uur - 13:00 uur

Slides and recording E Lunch Webinar: DC power grids in industry will solve grid congestion?

In today's world, most end devices are already powered by direct current (DC). Both charging stations and electric drives in industrial environments work with direct current generated by alternating current. By connecting to the DC grid, it is also possible to feed the braking energy of a system back into the grid as electrical power. Produced surpluses are collected in energy storage systems and, if necessary, fed back into the grid. As a result, the feed-in capacity is reduced by up to 80%. In addition, both peak load and load on the public grid can be reduced. Tobias Lüke Technical Project & Technology Management at Phoenix Contact, would like to explain the role DC grids play in the electricity supply of industry.

EL Zuid-Holland
Eric Meijer bij de Studiedag Informatica en Informatiekunde
16 februari 2024
16:50 uur - 17:35 uur

Eric Meijer bij de Studiedag Informatica en Informatiekunde

Op 16 februari komt speciaal voor de OU studiedag Informatica en Informatiekunde Erik Meijer uit Palo Alto spreken over Natural Language Programming. In het kader van ons collectief lidmaatschap zijn KIVI leden van harte welkom en kunnen zich als belangstellende opgeven (bij studentnummer een ‘0’ invullen, bij het dropdown menu studiefase kiezen voor ‘belangstellende’) via deze link: https://fd7.formdesk.com/openuniversiteit/aanmelden_studiedag_Informatica_Informatiekunde_160224

IT Utrecht
15 februari 2024
17:30 uur - 21:30 uur

Replacement of the existing cranes on the Cadeler Vessels Wind Osprey and Wind Orca in Schiedam

“How a new crane extends the life of an existing Wind Turbine Installation Vessel (WTIV) and what is involved in replacing an existing crane”, lecture by Joakim Larsson, Department Manager Construction (GustoMSC) and Rutger Beelen, Project Manager (Mammoet)

OT Zuid-Holland
Science RF
8 februari 2024
18:00 uur - 21:30 uur

Developments at Radio Science in the Netherlands based on URSI-GASS 2023

On February 8, 2024 the NUC-URSI and the KIVI-Department of Telecommunications invite you to a theme evening on the developments of Radio Science in the Netherlands. These are based on the presentations earlier shown at the URSI GASS 2023 XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of The International Union of Radio Science.

TC Utrecht
ElaadNL Webtalk Elektrisch rijden voor iedereen
8 februari 2024
12:00 uur - 12:45 uur

ElaadNL: Webtalk #60 Elektrische rijden voor iedereen Presentatie Outlook Personenauto’s – Update 2024

Data-onderzoekers Nazir Refa en Daan Hammer van ElaadNL presenteren de 2024 update van de Elaad Outlook Personenauto’s.

EL Gelderland