Kardex 1.jpg
Embedded Systems
14 maart 2024
15:00 uur - 18:00 uur

Company visit to AME: Applied Micro Electronics

Applied Micro Electronics "AME" B.V. is an independent developer and manufacturer of high quality electronic products located in the top technological region of the world (Brain-port Eindhoven). This is a joint activity only open to Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers members (KIVI), organized by KIVI Electrical Engineering and KIVI International Engineers.

EL Noord-Brabant
12 maart 2024
19:30 uur - 21:30 uur

Slides and Recording Connectivity on the North Sea

On March, the KIVI-Section of Telecommunications invite you to a webinar with the theme “Connectivity on the North Sea”.

TC Zuid-Holland
8 maart 2024
15:00 uur - 16:30 uur

Installatie bijzonder lector Data Driven Government

KIVI Informatica nodigt je graag uit voor de openbare les van Guido Ongena op 8 maart 2024. Tijdens de bijeenkomst wordt Guido officieel geïnstalleerd als bijzonder lector Data Driven Government binnen het lectoraat Procesinnovatie & Informatiesystemen van Hogeschool Utrecht

IT Utrecht
Foto TU/e en NXP Semiconductors intensiveren samenwerking
26 februari 2024
13:30 uur - 17:15 uur

TU/e-NXP visit: electronics research in the 30-300 GHz band

During the afternoon of February 26th 2024, speakers from TU/e, NXP and Fontys will present application requirements, trends and technology options to address the challenges of mm-wave and THz communication and sensing. In addition, there will be a tour of the lab facilities at TU/e.

EL Noord-Brabant
22 februari 2024
19:00 uur - 21:30 uur

Reducing Container Loss

Lecture by dr. ir. Michiel Gunsing, founder of GMBS

MRT Zuid-Holland