6 februari 2024
16:00 uur - 17:30 uur

CWTe: Manufactured Electronics for Microwave Applications & New Design Thinking

Please be invited for the February 6 edition of the Center for Wireless Technology (CWTe) bi-monthly* colloquium webinar with two speakers in this colloquium/webinar on interesting wireless topics: Rafael Del Rey, Nano Dimension – Additively Manufactured Electronics for Microwave Applications & New Design Thinking Bram van Berlo, TU/e M&CS – Towards Domain Invariant Block Avoidance: mmWave Recognition Feasibility and OFDM/Radar Dataset

TC Noord-Brabant
1 februari 2024
19:00 uur - 21:30 uur

Platform electrification & Offshore Carbon Storage

Speakers: Katarzyna Swiatek, Offshore Structures & Pipelines Engineer, NAM and Paul Vledder, Business Opportunity Manager SOCS NL, Shell

OT Zuid-Holland
Foto ASML machine for AR&VR
25 januari 2024
15:30 uur - 19:00 uur

Company visit to ASML: Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR & VR) applications

ASML is an innovation leader in the semiconductor industry. ASML provides chipmakers with everything they need hardware, software, and services to mass produce patterns on silicon through lithography. This is a joint activity only open to Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers members (KIVI), organized by KIVI Electrical Engineering and KIVI International Engineers.

EL Noord-Brabant
Barli Uden
19 januari 2024
14:00 uur - 16:00 uur

Barli: Ruim 30 jaar pionier in duurzaam prefab bouwen

Bij bouwbedrijf Barli worden modulaire woningen in hout gebouwd. Jaarlijks worden er ongeveer 1000 stuks gebouwd in 5 productie- en assemblagehallen in Uden. Van betaalbaar tot bijzonder. Of het nu gaat om permanente, semipermanente of tijdelijke huisvesting. Met een modulaire houtbouwmethode en het kneedbare woningconcept Barli Base laat Barli zien dat bouwen efficiënter en duurzamer kan!

RLZ Noord-Brabant
18 januari 2024
14:30 uur - 16:15 uur

Tour onboard the Saipem 7000 at Damen shiprepair yard in Verolme Rotterdam (Group 2)

The Saipem 7000 is the world's third largest semi-submersible crane vessel, It is owned by the oil and gas industry contractor Saipem S.p.A. The Saipem 7000 is currently docked at the Damen shiprepair yard in Verolme Rotterdam. During the tour Saipem will show us all interesting and impressive technical features of the Saipem 7000. With its state-of-the-art J-lay tower, upgraded dynamic positioning capability and fast ballasting system, the Saipem 7000 has the capacity to handle the entire workscope of offshore construction developments worldwide, encompassing pipelaying in water depths greater than 2.000 metres and heavy lift operations up to 14.000 tonnes.

OT Zuid-Holland