Presentaties studentenprojecten Fontys
On July 6 the Fontys IPD (Integrated Product Design) projects were presented by students. Many topics were addressed e.g. electronics for noise cancellation, 3D printing for medical devices as well as an electric buggy (car).
The participants belonged to different departments: electrical engineering, physics as well as automotive.
Each project was carried out by 6 students with different backgrounds.
Keynote speaker drs. Micaela dos Ramos (Executive Director of the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers) emphasized the importance of the IPD approach.
In this complex world we need a multidisciplinary approach to tackle the challenges.
It is important to be aware of the effect of different technical as well as nontechnical driving forces in a society and the related emotions to execute projects properly. Moreover, the world changes so fast that engineers have to work hard to keep their knowledge up-to-date.
This session of the Fontys projects was the second event of this year. The first one was held on January 28 2016.
This sessions included 30 projects and were represented by 180 students.
Two of them were nominated for the KIVI AWARD.
AWARD: Taking into account the projects nominated in January, the jury decided to give the KIVI Award to the project Medical Printing Phantom.
Nominated projects:
TN16_A5 Medical Printing Phantom
The Project
Up to now it has been difficult to create complex phantoms with close similarities to a human organ, and those who do have resemblance are overpriced. With the improving technology, 3D printing, all kinds of new possibilities have been created. Holding these two together in mind, creates the following situation. The clinical physicists of the Catharina ziekenhuis (CZE), a hospital in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, requested whether it was possible to print a heart phantom in 3D to use for calibration purposes. The goal of this project is to print a phantom heart with the current technology of 3D printing technique. This basis of the heart will be acquired from an existing Computer Tomography scan (CT). This heart phantom is going to be used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and if possible for CT and nuclear scans.
IPD12 UBI display
The Project
With technological advances improving our lives in many ways, it's time for these advances to revamp the office and make them a more productive place. Philips has tasked Fontys with the chance to research the usability of a new platform that is years ahead of the current market. This platform is called Ubi Interactive.
By using a combination of a Microsoft Kinect, the software from Ubi interactive and a projector you can transform any solid surface into a touchscreen display.
The group working on this project has been tasked to create an application which will demonstrate the feasibility of the Ubi display. This application will be created for a division within Philips who are using creative thinking about products and modeling business flows to bring ideas to life.
Elk jaar worden door de studenten van de Fontys Hogeschool heel interessante projecten uitgevoerd.
U bent te gast bij de afdelingen Engineering en Technische Natuurkunde. Bij deze afdelingen worden door de studenten projecten uitgevoerd voor het bedrijfsleven. In deze Integrated Product Development (IPD) en ASIA projecten werken de studenten van beide afdelingen gezamenlijk in groepen van 4 tot 6 studenten aan één project. Op 6 Juli worden deze projecten afgesloten met een eindpresentatie. U kunt deze presentaties bijwonen alsook werkende resultaten van hun project bekijken. U bent uitgenodigd voor deze bijeenkomst en kan na afloop met studenten, docenten en opdrachtgevers praten over de inhoud van de projecten en ook hoe deze bedrijfsprojecten ervaren worden. Uit voorbije bijeenkomsten weten we dat de studenten onze aanwezigheid zeer op prijs stellen. Het programma start met een gastspreker over een actueel onderwerp en vervolgt met een aantal parallelle sessies waaruit U een keuze kan maken. Het programma zal ongeveer 2 weken van te voren bekend gemaakt worden. Genomineerde projecten zullen beoordeeld worden door een jury namens de docenten en het KIVI. Aan de studenten van het beste project wordt in een feestelijke afsluiting de KIVI jaarprijs uitgereikt.
key note door drs. Micaela dos Ramos CEng, directeur KIVI.
presentaties van projecten door de studenten van Fontys.
Rachelsmolen 1, Eindhoven
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
dr. ir Jan Vleeshouwers, t: 0402572392 of 040 2473217