Towards 6G
Towards 6G Webinar
Meer dan 50 deelnemers hebben aan het webinar Towards 6G deelgenomen en zich kunnen oriënteren op de noodzaak van een gedegen ontwikelingstraject om in 2030 6G in de lucht te krijgen. De presentaties staan onder tab "Documenten", als mede de door de sprekers aangegeven referentie docunenten.
De ontwikkelkracht is gebundeld in de 5G infrastructure Association The voice of the European Industry for developoment and evoluation of 5G.
Het webinar Toward 6G op 29 juni 2021 is opgenomen en voor KIVI leden terug te kijken via het besloten Youtube kIVI kanaal.
Hoewel 5G wordt uitgerold met een aanzienlijke prestatieverbetering in vergelijking met 4G, is er een toenemende interesse van de industriële, academische en regelgevende gemeenschappen om te beginnen met het onderzoeken en ontwikkelen van de volgende generatie mobiele netwerken. In feite is de race naar de de zesde generatie (6G) begonnen met financieringsaankondigingen die al over de hele wereld zijn gedaan.
5G heeft een belangrijke stap gezet in de richting van de ontwikkeling van een tactiel toegangsnetwerk met lage latency, door nieuwe aanvullende draadloze zenuwbanen aan te bieden via (i) nieuwe frequentiebanden (bijv. millimetergolf (mmWave) spectrum), (ii) geavanceerd spectrum gebruik en beheer, in gelicentieerde en niet-gelicentieerde bands, en (iii) een volledig herontwerp van het core netwerk.
Toch, de snelle ontwikkeling van datacentrische en geautomatiseerde processen, zoals nieuwe geavanceerde gebruikersdiensten (bv. immersieve communicatie, holografische telepresence, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality (AR/VR), enz. vereisen een datasnelheid in de orde van terabits per seconde, een latency van honderden microseconden en 107 verbindingen per km2, kan zelfs de mogelijkheden van de opkomende 5G-systemen overtreffen.
Om dergelijke veeleisende oplossingen te bereiken, zullen toekomstige slimme netwerken sleuteltechnologieën uit meerdere domeinen integreren (bijvoorbeeld high-performance computing, cyberbeveiliging, AI/ML, IoT).
Het doel van dit KIVI-webinar is om een overzicht te geven van hoe 5G zal evolueren naar 6G en welke technologieën we kunnen verwachten in 6G-netwerken.
Presentaties en sprekers:
1ste presentatie:
Smart antennas systems for future 5G/6G wireless communications
by Bart Smolders, Full-professor electromagnetics TU/e
The Netherlands is moving into a new digital era with concepts such as internet of things, smart cities, autonomous driving and smart industries. This requires a continuous improvement of our digital infrastructure, including a growing need for more capacity and higher data-rates in wireless communications. As a result, we need to move towards millimeter-wave frequencies that provide larger bandwidths and related date rates. In the presentation the requirements for the future base stations will be sketched towards millimeter-wave 5G and 6G operating in the frequency range between 24-100 GHz. Several examples of on-going developments on smart antennas will be provided.
1ste Spreker:
Bart Smolders received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 1989 and 1994, respectively. From 1989 to 1991, he worked as an IC Designer at FEL-TNO, The Hague. From 1994 to 1997, he was a Radar System Designer with Thales, Hengelo. From 1997 to 2000, he was project leader of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) with ASTRON. From 2000 to 2010, he has been with NXP Semiconductors, responsible for the innovation in the RF business line. Since 2010, he is a full-time professor at the TU/e in the Electromagnetics Group with special interest in antenna systems and applications. He currently leads several European and national projects on mm-wave 5G/6G wireless communications (www.mywave-project.eu, www.silika-project.eu ). Next to his research activities, he is the dean of the department of Electrical Engineering, member of the advisory board of ASTRON and member of the supervisory board of Photondelta. He is also responsible lecturer of a MOOC on Microwave Engineering and Antennas (https://www.coursera.org/learn/microwave-antenna).
2de presentatie:
European Vision for the 6G Network Ecosystem
by Toon Norp, senior business consultant TNO
The 5G Infrastructure Association has produced a whitepaper on 6G. In this presentation an overview will be provided of the main points from this whitepaper. What are the drivers and requirements for 6G? What key technologies are envisaged for 6G? What is the vision for a 6G architecture? The presentation will also provide a timing for 6G with some more information on European research possibilities in the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) partnership between EU and European ICT industry.
2de Spreker
Toon Norp is a Senior Business Consultant at TNO. Toon Norp joined TNO (former KPN Research) in 1991, where he has since been working on network aspects of mobile communications. Toon advises European operators, government organisation and others on strategy, and architecture related to mobile networks, M2M/IoT, and 5G. He has been involved in standardisation of mobile networks for more than 20 years, and as chairman of the 3GPP SA1 service aspects working group was responsible for the requirements specification phase of 5G. Toon has been instrumental in getting several new sectors (e.g. public safety, satellite, media, railway, industry) involved in the 3GPP standardisation process. In 2021, Toon was elected as board member of the 5G Infrastructure Association, an association representing the European ICT industry in a public private partnership with the European Commission. He has been reviewer of European R&D projects, and a regular speaker at conferences. Toon holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
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