To reach the IMO goals to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions of shipping energy saving alone is not sufficient and thus renewable fuels are essential. Over the years C-Job has invested a lot in research and development in the various renewable fuels. By doing so C-Job has gained a lot of knowledge and experience in each option. This makes C-Job, as an independent ship design and engineering company, able to take multiple roles including knowledge partner and system integrator. By doing so C-Job aids shipowners in review, selection and implementation of renewable fuels in the various design stages with both new builds and retrofits. In the implementation there are multiple challenging tasks, including class approval with prescriptive rules not yet being available or leading to unpractical solutions.

Therefore, C-Job applies risk-based design, with functional rules and risk assessments, to overcome these challenges to make the impossible possible and enable shipowners and shipyards to realize the energy transition. The presentation will cover the overall vision of C-Job on making the maritime industry more sustainable and also present multiple hands-on examples of the application of risk-based design.

Speaker: Niels de Vries, Head of Energy at C-Job Naval Architects


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