The province Groningen, industry partners, NOM (North developing society), Groningen Seaports and SBE (collaborating companies Eemsdelta) signed the Industry Covenant Eemsdelta 2016-2020.

They sign for a shared vision on growth and preservation of industry, employment and economy in the Eemsdelta region. The covenant is in agreement with the findings of committee Willems that advises more cooperation in the transition to more biobased production. The new program manager is going to coordinate the activities.

The program manager will try to bring in companies and to start up developments in the agriculture, energy and chemistry sector. The expansion of the existing industry should provide more jobs and lead to the Eemsdelta as the main biochemistry region in the Netherlands. The Eemsdelta is already the biggest energy junction in Europe and provides 15 percent of the basic chemistry in the Netherlands.