NPT is very pleased to announce that Wridzer Bakker, our long-time representative in the executive board of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, has recently been re-elected for a term of two years (2016-2017). Wridzer Bakker previously served several terms, including two terms as executive vice-president of the EFCE and is currently also a member of the executive board.

NPT is very pleased to announce that Wridzer Bakker, our long-time representative in the executive board of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, has recently been re-elected for a term of two years (2016-2017). Wridzer Bakker previously served several terms, including two terms as executive vice-president of the EFCE and is currently also a member of the executive board.

The EFCE was founded in 1953 and has 39 member societies (NPT is represented via memberships of both our mother societies KNCV and KIVI). With such a large number of member societies, and only 6 academic and 6 industrial board members, the number of candidates was higher than the number of seats, and we are very happy that Wridzer was re-elected and will serve another term.

After her re-election, professor Eva Sørensen (Imperial College London) pointed out that she is the only woman on the board of the EFCE. She urged member societies to actively nominate more women chemical engineers for board membership.

The board of NPT, also all male, is committed to actively seeking women for representative functions.