Robbin Motzheim Awarded for Best Offshore & Dredging Engineering Graduate 2017

On 20 April 2017, graduate student Robbin Motzheim was awarded the yearly prize for best Offshore & Dredging Engineering Graduate 2017 by chairman of the jury Wim Jolles and by the KIVI OT chairman Pieter Swart.

Robbin performed his graduation entitled ‘VIBRATION-IMPACT CUTTING OF SUBMERGED FROZEN CLAY IN AN ARCTIC TRENCHING PROCESS’ at Royal IHC and was supervised at TU Delft by Prof. Cees van Rhee and Sape Miedema.

Prof. Cees van Rhee, chairman of the graduation committee of the winning graduate, received the prize of best Offshore Engineering Professor 2017.

The award ceremony took place at the DOB-Academy in Delft, hosting the monthly KIVI OT lecture event. DOB-Academy offers offshore energy education for professionals which aligns very well with the objective of the KIVI award for the best MSc thesis in Offshore & Dredging Engineering.

Download the presentation:
Presentatie Sol2FaS – Marinization of Energy Transition

*Our Oceans Challenge
Two thirds of our planet is covered in water: the ocean is fundamental to life for humans and all living creatures and provides goods and services critical to humanity. Unfortunately the health and productivity of the ocean is facing serious challenges. Due to our growing world population and expanding oceanic economic activities, these pressures are only likely to increase. OOC believes that despite the challenges facing the ocean, there are opportunities to balance ocean protection with the responsible use and exploitation of ocean space and resources. It’s time for the industry to show its responsibility and time for you to send in your breakthrough idea. Together, we can accelerate your innovative and sustainable idea into a viable business! In other words; we see an ocean of business opportunities!'
The presentation will dive into the ideas that have been selected to be developed further with support of the partners and how these can contribute to a more sustainable offshore industry. OOC will also give some insight in the goals and challenges of the OOC, the broad network and the future steps after the event at 15 June.

*Sol2FaS - Solar Energy to Fuel at Sea. Marinization of the Energy Transition
Harvesting solar energy on the open ocean and bringing clean fuel to shore. Solar energy is converted to electricity by photovoltaic (PV) cells on very large floating offshore structures on the tropical and subtropical oceans. This electricity is then used on site to generate methane from water and carbon dioxide by electrochemical processes. The methane is liquefied to LNG, shipped to shore and there brought to consumers by the existing energy distribution infrastructure. Onshore the methane is either converted to other fuels or is burned directly in internal combustion engines releasing its energy and producing water and carbon dioxide, which eventually find their way back to the location of the floating processing plant by natural processes. A perfect cycle of clean fuel, driven solely by solar energy.

*By the Ocean we Unite contributes to preventing more plastic from ending up in our oceans. We conduct research, create awareness, educate and activate people, organisations and governments to make much needed changes.
The presentation will explain something of the scientific knowledge built during the R&D on the plastic collection in the oceans, and the wave of consideration and mentality change. A collective of ocean lovers activates the crowd.

During this innovative evening the ceremony for awarding the best Offshore Graduate student will take place.


 -  uur Sandwiches
 -  uur Lecture Our Oceans Challenge by Marjolein van Noort
 -  uur Lecture Sol2FaS by Sebastian Schreier
 -  uur Lecture By the Ocean we Unite by Karl Beerenfenger
 -  uur Award ceremony for best Offshore Engineering MSc thesis & presentation
 -  uur Networking drinks