Changing from Thermal to Electrochemical Conversion Linking Sustainable Electricity Supply to Energy Demand in Chemical Sector.

Changing from Thermal to Electrochemical Conversion

Linking Sustainable Electricity Supply to Energy Demand in Chemical Sector.

The growing availability of sustainable electricity might be exactly what the chemical industry needs to enhance its competitive position. Also the energy sector will benefit by overcoming the issues caused by fluctuating electricity supply.

Applied knowledge institutes TNO and ECN, together with industrial and academic partners, founded the Shared Innovation Program VoltaChem to initiate and facilitate collaborative development of technology and business models. The program intends to achieve this through a “Community” and 3 Program Lines:

  1. VoltaChem Community
  2. Power-2-Heat
  3. Power-2-Hydrogen
  4. Power-2-Chemicals

The first demonstration case concerns the conversion of HMF from biomass to FDCA. Furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) can be used, for example, for the production of sustainable plastic bottles, an invention of the Dutch company Avantium. The conversion of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) into FDCA should be regarded primarily as an example that further emphasises the attractiveness of electrochemical oxidation.