This is the title of a project that the group of TU/e professor Jos Brouwers will carry out in the coming 4 years. It is the intention to use the slag that is a by-product of making steel in the production of cement.

This is the title of a project that the group of TU/e professor Jos Brouwers will carry out in the coming 4 years. It is the intention to use the slag that is a by-product of making steel in the production of cement. When successful it would kill two birds with one stone: both steelmaking and cement production have a bad reputation environmentally speaking. Using a by-product of one as raw material for the other would reduce the CO2 footprint of both, not to mention a reduction of the mountainous slag heaps. So far there is more than a million euros available for the project, contributed by technology foundation STW (€750 000) and industrial partners Tata Steel (Hoogovens), Heidelberg Cement (ENCI) and Inashco.