Inland Flood Protection in NL
On Thursday, the 8th of June, the Hydraulic Engineering student association “Het Waterbouwdispuut” will host the annual symposium. This year we will focus on the inland flood protection in our country. We will look back, but more importantly, we will focus on the decades ahead of us and the challenges that these will offer. For example, very recently a new standard has been introduced for testing the safety of our flood protection system in the Netherlands. What are the consequences of such measures and how can a future engineer deal with the design restrictions in an ever changing society.
The Hydraulic Engineering symposium will take place on Thursday the 8th of June at the Sports & Culture Centre TU Delft. The programme starts at 12:30 and consists of outstanding keynote speeches and pitches from different disciplines, companies and universities sharing their view and experience on the covered topic of inland flood protection and the key challenges we are facing in the future. The day will include lunch, a short coffee break and the event will end with informal drinks.
This symposium is a unique opportunity to discuss all the relevant subjects, linked to this theme and moreover, it provides an excellent networking opportunity, therefore we hope to welcome you in large numbers.
Theater Sports & Culture TU Delft
Mekelweg 8-10, 2628 CD Delft
Bouw- en Waterbouwkunde
Het Waterbouwdispuut
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Piebe Koster, Chairman 'Het Waterbouwdispuut, e-mail
Aanmelden via
see link above