De samenwerkingsovereenkomst is een belangrijke stap voor beide pan-Europese netwerken met totaal 25 nationale verenigingen om de Europese samenwerking op het gebied van Defensie te versterken, zowel op beleidsmatig als op technologisch gebied. De overeenkomst beoogt zowel de samenwerking op Europees als nationaal niveau te bevorderen. In Nederland is KIVI DV lid van EDTA.

Partnership agreement between EDTA and EURODEFENSE

The complementary goals and interests of EURODEFENSE and EDTA have led to a logical relationship where information exchange and mutual support will help both associations in their endeavour to improve European Security and Defence. The main cooperation under this agreement will be on European and national defence policy issues pertaining to defence technology, capabilities and industry. 
The partnership agreement allows for cooperation on a European level, but also arranges and fosters cooperation between the 25 member associations of both federations on a national level. 

The agreement was signed on 12 November 2015 during the 21th annual international EURODEFENSE conference in Luxemburg. 

About EDTA

The Federation of European Defence Technology Associations (EDTA) was established in 1992 on the initiative of the ministers of the then Independent European Planning Group (IEPG) and aims to enhance cooperation and professional relationships among its members. It does so by information exchange, promotion of conferences and promotion of public interest in defence industry and technology. EDTA is mainly active in the defence technology and defence industry sector. The federation has 11 member associations in 10 European nations with a total of over 6000 individual and 400 corporate members. For more information:


Established in 1994, the EURODEFENSE network aims to foster the awareness of the common interests of European countries, to develop a greater sense of European defence and to support the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy. To achieve this goal, EURODEFENSE is mainly active in the defence and diplomatic sector. The EURODEFENSE network has 14 national associations in as many European nations. 
For more information: (Fr) or (Eng).