Presentaties Fontys studentenprojecten
Report of Symposium Fontys Engineering and Natural Sciences July 5 2017.
The symposium Fontys Engineering and Natural Sciences is a joint effort between the departments of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic, Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Physics. The July one is the second of two symposia in 2017. Many topics were addressed e.g. tests for pick-and place systems, following Bumblebees in greenhouses as well as measuring oxygen for electricity production by plants. Each project was carried out by 6 students with different backgrounds to exercise collaboration in a multidisciplinary environment.
Keynote by Heico Sandee (Smart Robotics)
Heico explained about the way his company (founded in May 2015 HTC Eindhoven, now in Best) is introducing a flexible workforce of robots. Currently robots are often used in production lines and in logistic operations in a fixed position with a fixed task. So not flexible at all!! Smart Robotics is enabling a much more flexible way of using robots in (mainly) logistic processes. Moreover, it is possible to rent the robots for a limited time for flexible tasks.
This is achieved by starting with a “safe” robot, the UR10, and making changes to hardware and software. The hardware changes, like special grippers and cameras, are intended to make the robot smarter. The software uses these to allow for easy setup by the local operator of the company employing the robot. In the logistic market there appears to be a lot of opportunities for such a proposition, so the company is growing fast and needs new employees (with all kinds of capabilities)!!
Second symposium of 2017 series
This was the second symposium of the 2017 series. During this second one the KIVI AWARD will be granted. Two projects of the first symposium in January 2017 were nominated for the KIVI AWARD. For the second one July 2017 five projects were nominated (of a total of 19).
Two projects were already nominated in January 2017:
Wtb4: Artificial Knee and
IPD12: Tunnel of Light.
For details see the Report of the symposium February 1, 2017
Five projects were nominated in July 2017:
ASIA M11: High Precision Measurement set-up using Fiber Bragg Grating
ASIA M12: Validation of an educational knee simulator for assessment of cruciate ligament injuries
ASIA M13: Glow2017: GYROGLOW
ASIA A22: Oxygen Measurement for Plant-e
IPD6: Tracking system for Bumblebees in greenhouse
After difficult deliberations on the projects, their report, the presentation of the team and the Q&A after the presentation, the jury decided that the:
KIVI AWARD is shared by the two teams working on the artificial knee simulator.
Congratulations for both teams!!
The winning teams with Toon Lamers (Young KIVI)
This was very exceptionally. The quality and nature of both projects caused this decision.
For the program of the afternoon see the file attached below.
More details on the nominated projects:
ASIA M11: High Precision Measurement set-up using Fiber Bragg Grating:
The Project
The photonic device called Fiber Bragg Grating is able to detect very small changes in the wavelength of the light transmitted through the fiber. This is caused by small changes in the grating spacing as a consequence of heat and/or stress of the fiber. The grating is inside the fiber as shown below. The students designed a system with optical en electronic components to use the grating elements for high accuracy measurements of temperature and the natural resonances in metal parts.
ASIA M12: Validation of an educational knee simulator for assessment of cruciate ligament injuries
The Project
This was the second project on this topic. It started from the results of the previous one. In depth analysis of the results of the first project showed that the basic idea was right, but the details of the spring and their application in the knee simulator needed improvement. Improvements were designed, simulated and tested. Also tested with the customer to be sure the simulator gives the right feel for training the physiotherapists (see the picture). To get feedback during the training new functionality was needed. A displacement sensor and a force sensor with feedback electronics and interface was designed and realized.
ASIA M13: Glow2017: GYROGLOW
The project
GLOW is a yearly Light festival in the city of Eindhoven. Every year new setups are created and realized. Fontys often takes part and realizes a set-up. This project contributed to the 2017 theme: “The Source, Shine like the Whole Universe”. It started off to create four concepts. One was chosen to bring to the next level, a complete design and a scale model. This is the GYROGLOW with an impression in the picture below. The staring point is a gyroscope. In the middle a sphere. The rings will contain blue lasers which shine on the central sphere and will create phosphorescent lines on the surface. Traces will be created and will disappear after a while. The size is quite large, the diameter of the ball is 0.6 m. All kinds of boundary conditions for size, impression for the public and safety were taken into account.
ASIA A22: Oxygen Measurement for Plant-e
The Project
Growing plants can be used to produce electricity when the proper precautions are taken. The plants create hydrogen and electrons in the growth system which is close to the anode as shown in the picture. Using hydrogen to react with oxygen water is created at the cathode. Between anode and cathode a current and voltage is created and energy produced. An issue is the proper concentration of O2 near the cathode. In real life setups this needs to be managed to optimize the energy output. The students studied the options to measure the O2 concentration and designed corresponding hardware and software.
IPD6: Tracking system for Bumblebees in greenhouse
The Project
The number of bees is decreasing dramatically he last decade. However, they are essential in our food chain because they pollinate the plants producing the fruits we eat. This problem also exists for Bumblebees. Bumblebees are actively used for pollination in greenhouses. To ensure the proper pollination the activity of Bumblebees is essential and a closer study is needed. To this end researchers want to be able to track Bumblebees. Therefore a tracking system is needed. The picture shows a bee with a tag from a university group in Ottawa. The students tried to design and test such a tracking system. Their choice was to start off with UWB (Ultra Wide Band). The tracking seemed to work but the size of the tag was too much for a Bumblebee.
See also "Report of Symposium Fontys Engineering and Natural Science July 5th".
Links with extra info on the projects and earlier symposia:
Symposium Fontys IPD January 28 , 2016:
Symposium Fontys IPD July 6, 2016:
Symposium Fontys IPD February 1, 2017
Bij Engineering en Technische Natuurkunde aan de Fontys Hogescholen voeren studenten als een team interessante projecten uit voor het bedrijfsleven. U kunt deze presentaties bijwonen alsook werkende resultaten bekijken. Erna gelegenheid met studenten, docenten en opdrachtgevers te praten over de projecten en hoe deze worden ervaren. We weten dat studenten onze aanwezigheid op prijs stellen. Start met gastspreker, vervolgens parallelle sessies waaruit U een keuze maakt.
Genomineerde projecten worden beoordeeld door een jury namens docenten en het KIVI. Het beste project zal meedingen naar de KIVI Regio jaarprijs, uitgereikt als feestelijke afsluiting.
Download het complete programma rechts onderaan.
Keynote speaker: Heico Sandee, Smart Robotics
Toon Lamers, voorzitter KIVI Young Engineers
Studenten met presentaties van IPD projecten van Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven.
Rachelsmolen 1, Eindhoven
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Dr. Ir. E. (Eric) Persoon M. 06 53 24 17 91