Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWTe) 2022 Research Retreat
CWTe Research Retreat 2022 Review to presentations here
The yearly CWTe 2022 Research Retreat is organized by the Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWTe).
You will be updated on new wireless developments and trends and you will be able to network with other professionals in wireless technology.
The Symposium will give you a good insight in the industry and academic view on the direction of wireless technology research, as it will provide an update of a number of the research projects that are currently running within CWTe.
Abstracts of the talks and the speaker's bios:
What will 6G bring us; a TNO vision on the next generation - Toon Norp (TNO) .
Bluetooth chip development - Chris Smit (Renesas)
B5G/6G Vision: Communications and Mobility - Marcel Geurts (NXP)
6G systems: What are you actually measuring? - Anouk Hubrechsen (AntenneX)
Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS), the solution to the radio spectrum shortage - Ignas Niemegeers (TU/e)
ML-Assisted Algorithms for Non-Terrestrial Networks - Symeon Chatzinotas (Univ. Luxembourg)
Poster pitches ...
Abstracts of the talks and the speakerâs bios download here.
First presentation
What will 6G bring us; a TNO vision on the next generation
- Toon Norp (TNO)
Introduction of 6G is not expected before 2030. However, research into 6G is starting (e.g. in the EU Research program SNS) and standardization (e.g. in 3GPP) is expected to start in a few years. The presentation will present a time frame towards 6G, will address what kind of use cases can be expected for 6G, and what are the related 6G requirements. The presentation will also discuss a number of main 6G technology components.
Speakerâs bio:
Toon Norp is a Senior Business Consultant at TNO. Toon Norp joined TNO (former KPN Research) in 1991, where he has since been working on network aspects of mobile communications. He has been involved in standardisation of mobile networks for more than 25 years, and as chairman of the 3GPP SA1 service aspects working group was responsible for the requirements specification phase of 5G. In 2021, Toon was elected as governing board member of the 6G SNS Industry Association and was appointed member of the SNS Joint Undertaking Governing Board. Toon holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology.
Second presentation
Bluetooth chip development
- Chris Smit (Renesas)
Since its inception in the mid-nineties Bluetooth has become a technology that we all use still today. Over the past decades a lot of advances have been made in this standard from simple cable replacement connections to higher data throughput applications (e.g. handsfree calls). With the launch of Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth version 4.0) in 2010 a new low power standard was added that enabled a whole new range of low power devices that are battery powered. This presentation will give a quick overview of Bluetooth technology and provide insight in BLE chip development. Nowadays these chips are not merely simple radio transceivers anymore but full SoCâs with all kinds features and connectivity.
Speakerâs bio:
He received his B.Sc. EE from polytechnic school âHogeschool Enschedeâ in 1996. He joined Ericsson Mobile Networks in Enschede as an RF IC designer and worked on DECT transceiver IC design, later followed by first generation Bluetooth IC designs. He joined National Semiconductor in 2000 in the same capacity again working on DECT radio IC transceivers. By 2003 a management buy-out started SiTel Semiconductor and DECT radios became fully integrated in SoCâs where he specialized in top level design and Mixed-Signal verification of complex transceiver architectures. After an acquisition of Dialog Semiconductor in 2010 he worked on the first generation of Bluetooth Low Energy radios as a lead engineer. He joined management in 2012 responsible for the radio development and MS verification of the entire System-on-Chip (SoC). Dialog Semiconductor was acquired by Renesas Electronics in 2021 and currently he is holding the position of Director Hardware Engineering at Renesas.
Third presentation
B5G/6G Vision: Communications and Mobility
- Marcel Geurts (NXP)
In the upcoming 6G wireless systems more functionality is added. Aim is to make the networks support the global digital society challenges (e.g. safety, energy efficiency). 6G is progressing to support passive sensing on top of network localization. This presentation describes the ambition of 6G regarding automotive safety and Joint Communication and Sensing (JCAS).
Speakerâs bio:
Marcel Geurts is principal system architect at NXP Semiconductors. In this role, he focuses on NXPâs Smart Antenna Solutions with responsibility on customer program management for 5G products, and business development for new markets.
Marcel has initiated and contributed to a large number of co-operation programs focusing on mmwave applications.
Fourth presentation:
6G systems: What are you actually measuring?
- Anouk Hubrechsen (AntenneX)
Wireless devices are becoming smaller, more integrated, and cheaper. This puts 6G applications (e.g. antenna in package) at the edge of our current manufacturing capabilities which can introduce significant tolerances and degraded performance. With all that in mind, how are we ever going to know that our integrated antenna system is according to spec? In this talk, we focus on the challenges of measuring >100 GHz wireless systems, the solutions from AntenneX, and the inevitable question of whether or not your measurement system is telling you the truth.
Speakerâs bio:
Anouk Hubrechsen is an antenna metrologist at the Electromagnetics group at the Eindhoven University of Technology where she develops 5G and 6G mm-wave measurement systems and methods. She is making these techniques available to industry as project leader in the spin-off company AntenneX, where she is involved in product development, marketing, and measurement services. In 2018 and 2019, she was with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, CO, USA, to work on reverberation-chamber metrology for internet-of-things applications. Her current research interest are focused on optimizing over-the-air measurements of isotropic metrics for >100GHz applications.
Fifth presentation:
Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS), the solution to the radio spectrum shortage
- Ignas Niemegeers (TU/e)
Wireless communication services are growing in importance. This leads to a rapidly increasing demand for radio spectrum, which cannot be met by the present way of assigning and licensing spectrum. A large part of the assigned radio spectrum is not or hardly used, or only used locally or at particular moments, while other parts are overused or in danger of being overused. More dynamic sharing of spectrum could be a solution to ensure sufficient availability in the future, by enabling more efficient use of the radio spectrum.
In this presentation we give an overview of the state-of-the-art of dynamic spectrum management and sharing as reflected in the scientific and technical literature, ongoing and finished research projects, and experimental pilots that have been conducted. We examine concepts, methods and techniques for dynamic sharing of spectrum between two or more distinct end-user or user groups, with different spectrum use rights in the same frequency band.
Speakerâs bio:
Ignas Niemegeers obtained a Burgerlijk Ingenieur degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Gent in 1970, an MSc degree from Purdue University, USA, in 1972 and a PhD from the same institution in 1978, both in Computer Engineering. From 1978 to 1981 he was a designer of the first generation of commercial packet switching systems at Bell Telephone Mfg. Cy, Antwerp, Belgium, used in the first Dutch data network, Datanet 1. From 1981 to 2002 he was professor and, from 1995 to 2002, scientific director of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology of the University of Twente. From 2002 until 2012 he was chairman of the Telecommunications Department and professor in Wireless and Mobile Communications at Delft University of Technology. Since August 2012 he is emeritus professor at Delft University of Technology. From 2016 until 2018 he held a part-time chair in Future Optically-supported Wireless Networks at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Presently he is guest professor at the Center for Wireless Technology (CWTe) of Eindhoven University of Technology, conducting research in 6G technologies and wireless avionics communication on-board aircraft.
Sixth presentation:
ML-Assisted Algorithms for Non-Terrestrial Networks
- Symeon Chatzinotas (Univ. Luxembourg)
Non-Terrestrial Networks is currently a trending research area motivated by technological advancements, private ventures and standardization activities. This talk will focus on the myths and realities about the 6G SatCom Renaissance, providing an overview of novel architectural paradigms. Subsequently, a series of concrete technical examples will be elaborated, where ML algorithms are applied in space applications. The first part will focus on âML FOR Spaceâ, which implies the deployment of ML algorithms on the Ground Segment, whereas the second will cover âML IN Spaceâ, which requires AI chipsets embedded on flying assets. The talk will conclude with a reflection on open challenges and technology roadmaps for the years to come.
Speakerâs bio:
Symeon Chatzinotas (MEng, MSc, PhD, SMIEEE) is currently Full Professor / Chief Scientist I and Headof the research group SIGCOMin the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg.
In the past, he has lectured as Visiting Professor at the University of Parma, Italy and contributed in numerous R&D projects for the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, National Center for Scientific Research âDemokritos,â the Institute of Telematics and Informatics, Center of Research and Technology Hellas and Mobile Communications Research Group, Center of Communication Systems Research, University of Surrey.
He has received the M.Eng. in Telecommunications from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from University of Surrey, UK in 2003, 2006 and 2009 respectively.
He has authored more than 600 technical papers in refereed international journals, conferences and scientific books and has received numerous awards. He is currently in the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology and the International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking.
CWTe Research Retreat 2022
"Future communication systems will convey large volumes of information almost instantaneously, creating the perception of infinite and ubiquitous network capacity. Real-time transmission of holographic images that one can touch and smell will become a reality, bringing the illusion of hyper-realistic tele-presence."
Speakers bio
Sonia Heemstra is a Full Professor and Chair of Heterogeneous Network Architectures (HNA) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and director of the Centre for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWTe). Her field of research is wireless systems in the broad sense.  Sonia is interested in all aspects of wireless communications and specifically the challenges of future generation wireless networks. This ranges from reliable and ultra-low latency communication for autonomous vehicles, using 5G and beyond networks, to distributed protocols in large heterogeneous and self-organizing networks for the Internet of Things.  The combination of wireless and optical communications is also one of Soniaâs interests. Part of her research focuses on protocols and techniques that take advantage of combining the high capacity of optical networks with the flexibility of wireless communications. An example is dynamically reconfigurable radio access networks that adapt to instantaneous and to long-term traffic changes, are scalable, energy efficient, and have low installation, maintenance and operational costs.Â
More detail on the program in the attached flyer or: www.tue.nl/cwte
The event will be in the 'Zwarte Doos' on the TU Eindhoven campus.
Participation is free of charge, registration is required thoughâŚ..
Review or download presentations CWTe Research Retreat 2022
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