Economy on wheels
The Netherlands is proud to host the 15th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology. Focus will be on safe, sustainable and productive road freight transport with emphasis on commercial vehicle technology, logistics challenges, infrastructure management and spatial planning.
The symposium, with a long history since 1986 with many interesting conferences in the past around the globe under the patronage of the International Forum for Road Transport Technology (IFRTT), will have three parallel sessions, with specialists from industry, authorities, research presenting their latest achievements. Papers are accepted on policy and vision, technical research and on practical experiences with new innovations. In addition, we have a Young Talent program where young engineers are challenged to pitch their ideas for a critical audience to receive valuable feedback and hands-on advice from senior researchers, and have recognition from the international HVTT network.
You are invited to submit you contributions for the symposium (extended abstracts) and Young Talent program. More information can be found on www.HVTT15.com
Important dates:
31 October 2017: Close of submission for extended abstracts
1 February 2018: Notification authors
30 April 2018: Final papers due
2 - 5 October 2018: Symposium
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Jolanda Duyvesteyn Congress Office
Aanmelden via
Symosium website