International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and Testing Methods for Deep Foundations
The 11th International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and Testing Methods for Deep Foundations, (including a Demonstration, Testing and Prediction Event) will be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, September 20 โ 23, 2022. Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts for this conference.
The conference will cover theoretical and practical aspects of areas like wave mechanics applications to foundations, high strain dynamic testing, low strain integrity testing, rapid load testing, monitoring vibrations due to dynamic effects, axial (compression, tension, bidirectional) and lateral load testing, soil-structure interaction during foundation testing, monitoring and analysis of impact and vibratory driven (sheet) piles, drivability studies, and other related subjects.

Conference Objectives and Themes
The main objective of the conference is to create a forum for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience regarding the application of stress-wave theory to piles, subsoil and foundation engineering, as well as developments in Design and Testing Methods for these applications. The conference intends to bring together researchers, equipment manufacturers, installation contractors, as well as design and testing engineers.
In order to give all participants the opportunity to present, the conference format will include concurrent sessions, with plenary sessions for invited keynote speakers, and the presentation and discussion of selected papers.
Abstracts are accepted for the following 8 themes:
- Stress Wave mechanics applied to pile engineering, like signal matching, driveability prediction, rapid load test prediction and other stress wave simulation applications.
- Load Testing (including high strain dynamic testing, rapid load testing, axial compression, tension, and bidirectional load testing, lateral testing) for piles installed in-situ or driven by vibratory or impact driving or other methods.
- Quality assurance of driven and drilled deep foundations, low strain integrity testing, cross hole sonic logging, thermal profiling, etc.
- Soil-pile interaction during pile installation and during (dynamic, rapid or static) testing, the effect of installation methods, static resistance to driving vs long-term static soil resistance.
- Vibrations of ground and adjacent structures: theory, prediction and monitoring.
- Design codes and standards for testing of deep foundations.
- Case studies of installed deep foundations: design, execution and testing.
- Environmental vibrations and noise.
Demonstration,Testing & prediction event
One of the conference days will be dedicated to practical applications of stress wave theory to piles. On reclaimed land at the Port of Rotterdam (Maasvlakte), a site will be prepared for pile testing, offering comparison and analysis of results of different testing methods. Tests will have been performed in advance, the results of which will be presented during this event. Testing methods will be demonstrated throughout the day, as well as installation equipment for sheets piles, precast and in-situ piles, and (offshore) monopiles. Advantages of different pile installation methods will be demonstrated in real time during a pile driving competition.
Scientific challenge in Practice
Scientific approaches to pile design have advanced in recent decades. Unfortunately, in practice, the most fundamental aspect of pile design โ estimation of the axial capacity and settlement โ still relies heavily upon empirical correlations and based on excessively crude soil-pile interaction models. Pile testing and monitoring increases the reliability of the foundations, making them more efficient and more economical. Furthermore, it reduces the impact on the environment.
To understand the state-of-the-art of foundation engineering and pile testing, the conference shall organize a survey of possible methods for determination of integrity and load capacity of piles. Engineers are invited to participate in this comparative research study.
Call for Abstracts
Engineers, researchers, academics and other professionals are invited to submit a one-page abstract drafted in English between 500 and 700 words for review by May 1, 2021. Click here to submit your Abstract. The authors of all accepted abstracts will be allowed to submit a paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings and present during the conference, provided they have registered for the event.
Young professionals and Best Paper Competition
To encourage young professionals interested in pile dynamics issues, the organizing committee invites all authors under the age of 35 to join a paper competition. The winner of the competition will receive a free entrance ticket to this conference and a stipend of 1,000.- euro. Detailed instructions will be provided upon abstract acceptance. Additionally, there is an opportunity to get a chance to deliver a Bright Spark Lecture, a keynote lecture at this conference.
Organisation and support
This conference is organised by the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) and supported by the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the Dutch Foundation Industry and (geotechnical) engineering en research organizations.

Conference Chair
Marcel Bielefeld (Allnamics, Netherlands)
Advisory committee
Ken Gavin ( Professor of Subsurface Engineering, Technical University Delft, Netherlands)
Jรผrgen Grabe (Professor Geotechnical Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
Patrick IJnsen (Association of Dutch Piling Contractors)
Richard Jardin (Professor Geomechanics, Imperial College London, United Kingdom)
Mario Manassero (ISSMGE Vice President Europe, Italy)
Tatsunori Matsumoto (Professor Geotechnical engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan)
Philip Robins (ISSMGE Vice President Australasia, New Zealand)
Jaime Alberto dos Santos (Associate professor Geomechanics, Instituto Superior Tecnico Lisboa, Portugal)
Adriaan van Seters (Chair Eurocode 7/ Fugro, Netherlands)
Alejo O. Sfriso (ISSMGE Vice President South America, Argentina)
Chew Soon Hoe (National University Singapore)
Rubenei Novais Souza (University Sao Paulo, Brasil)
David Tara (Thurber Engineering, Canada)
Bas Vos (chair Royal Netherlands Society of Geotechnical Engineers KIVI)
Phil Watson (ISSMGE Chair TC 209 Offshore Geotechnics, Australia)
Lucy Wu (ISSMGE Chair Young Members, United States of America)
Local Organizing Committee
Marcel Bielefeld (chair, Allnamics)
Andrei Metrikine (TU Delft)
Bas Vos (Boskalis)
Dick van Wijngaarden (CAPE Holland),
Harm Aantjes (Deltares)
Maarten Profittlich (Fugro)
Michael Schaap (IHC IQIP)
Patrick IJnsen (Van โt Hek Groep)
Peter Middendorp (Allnamics)
Ryan van der Eijk (Boskalis)
Conference Secretary
Stress Wave 2022 Organizing Committee
Attn. Angelique van Tongeren
Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI)
Phone: +31 (0)703919890
E-mail: SW2022@kivi.nl
Scientific Program Chair
Andrei Metrikine (TU Delft)
Testing and Demonstration Chair
Michael Schaap (IHC IQIP)
Important Dates
Call for abstracts | Februari, 2021 |
Deadline abstract submission | May 1, 2021 |
Abstracts approval notification | July 1, 2021 |
Deadline paper submission | December 31, 2021 |
Papers approval and review notification | March1, 2022 |
Deadline final paper submission | May 1, 2022 |
Publication of proceedings | September 2022 |
Conference | September 20-23, 2022 |
Organisations and companies could sponsor this conference with unique and exclusive sponsoring packages. More details can be found soon on our website.