On the 17th of April 2015, the first edition under the name of KIVI Innovation Drinks Twente took place at the University of Twente. During this event, students and young professionals were able to get inspired by presentations of Solar Team Twente and by Royal Ten Cate.


Timothy Teoh, responsible for external affairs at Solar Team Twente, gave an enthousiastic and inspiring presentation about their road to the World Solar Challenge 2015 and on the use of innovative materials in their solar car. Robert Lenferink, director business development at Royal Ten Cate, spoke about the succesful innovation story of the company in the past decades, and its efforts te enter the automotive industry with composite materials.


The event was concluded with an informal networking drink in the Grand Café. Visitors were able to discuss the theme of the day with each other and to broaden their professional network. We would like to thank all participants for their enthusiasm and we will keep you updated on the following Innovation Drink Twente on the 4th of June 2015.