
The process of shrinking is inevitable but also expensive. It needs innovative ways of cooperation between customers and suppliers. Farmout principles in the High-Tech Supply Chain lead to economic land consolidation.
The NTS-Group, together with MI-Partners, will also present their experience with a large project project, for an OEM, outsourced on functional specification. A very good example of a farm out project.

16.00 uur Ontvangst met koffie/thee
16.45 uur Introductie NTS Group door Eric Hezemans
17.15 uur Introductie MI-partners door Leo Sanders
18.00 uur Rondleiding Mechatronics
18.45 uur Rondvraag
19.00 uur Borrel
20.00 uur Einde


NTS Group, Dillenburgstraat 9,

5652 AM Eindhoven



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