Dr.ir. H.H. (Herry) Nijhuis, who has just a few months ago stepped back after serving over six years as Secretary of the Board of NPT, and who has professionally held pdr.ir. H.H. Nijhuisositions for the past 16 years with Novem (which became SenterNovem, which became Agentschap NL and today is called RVO).

From 2006-2009 he was seconded to help bring into the world the Dutch Separation Technology Institute (DSTI), which today is the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT).

On 1 October he will join the Technology Foundation STW, but three months later, on 1 January 2017, STW will be transferred to the newly created Applied Engineering Sciences domain of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Herry will then become director of this domain.

NPT congratulates Herry with this appointment and wishes him success in his future career.