

Integrated Intelligent Manufacturing

By Prof. Dr. Harald Peters, BFI DĂĽsseldorf

Industrial production in Europe, independently of the sector, is facing the same challenges: in order to be competitive on the world market, the product quality has to be improved while at the same time costs have to be decreased. Furthermore, energy consumption and environmental issues play a more and more important role. How to handle all these challenges? In the last years a new field of research has been established in Europe with names like “Factories of the Future”, “Industry 4.0” or “Integrated Intelligent Manufacturing”, which could contribute to handling the abovementioned challenges.
The lecture will present the common features of these topics and explain some of the technological fields of “Integrated Intelligent Manufacturing”, using the example of the complex chain of steel production: innovative inline measurement solutions, Cyber-Physical Systems, through-process control of process chains, Big Data, horizontal/vertical/transversal integration, factory wide quality control, etc. Recent experiences with cross-sectorial research proposals in this field and some examples of concrete R&D projects of the last years and their results will finalise the presentation.


Chemelot Campus, Urmonderbaan 22,

6167 AC Geleen, Building 3, conference room 3


Regio Limburg Zuid

Chemelot Campus

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Klaas Bos Chemelot Campus

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