Making materials SMARTER
Chemelot InSciTe Biomedical Materials: Making materials SMARTER
By Daniëlle Curfs, Program Manager Biomedical Materials, Chemelot InSciTe
The world is facing major healthcare challenges. How do we sustain the health of an ageing population increasingly suffering from chronic diseases, without rendering the healthcare system itself unsustainable? The Chemelot Institute for Science & Technology (Chemelot InSciTe) will develop and deliver material-based healthcare solutions for cardiovascular, orthopedic and ophthalmology diseases by building on and deepening of the understanding of (bio)material science and technology. The focus will be on developing new applications that are not only technologically feasible, but clinically relevant and cost-effective. In other words, translational research that aims to establish proof of concept in first patients. To reach these ambitions Chemelot InSciTe will build a dedicated state-of-the-art biomedical R&D facility including GMP lab at the Chemelot Campus.
The presentation will address the biomedical R&D program and planned R&D facilities.
15.30 - 16.30 Presentatie
16.30 - 17.30 gelegenheid tot stellen vragen en informeel netwerken
Daniëlle Curfs, Program Manager Biomedical Materials, Chemelot InSciTe
Chemelot Campus, Urmonderbaan 22
6167 AC Geleen, building 4, room Aula
Regio Limburg Zuid
Regio Maastricht
Chemelot Campus
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Klaas Bos , Chemelot Campus
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