Bedrijfsbezoek Nutricia Research
Bedrijfsbezoek aan Nutricia Research en Nieuwsjaarreceptie van de Regio Utrecht.
Nutricia Research is the R&D organization behind Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition and Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition. Our mission is to deliver health through food to as many people as possible, particularly to those who need special care.
Science is at the very heart of the nutrition and health commitment of Nutricia Research. Thus we focus our skills and resources on research and innovation to deliver evidence-based specialized nutrition to infants, young children, pregnant women, patients and the elderly. This helps individuals to build, establish and preserve their health capital during early life and later in life.
Our work requires expertise in the life and food sciences, as well as in technology. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to create and test innovative nutritional concepts. It also enables us to build in those concepts through the latest science and technology, to develop healthy nutritional products for a better consumer experience.
Parkeergarage: P&R de Uithof, Universiteitsweg 3584 CT Utrecht - Afslag 2 van de A28.
Bus 28: uitstappen bij P&R garage de Uithof, Universiteitsweg 3584 CT Utrecht(is eindpunt van de buslijn).
Regio Utrecht
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
ir. J. (Jaap) Vogelaar 06 48 16 76 69