A Journey Towards Green(er) Technologies
It is desirable that in the future the world will continue to move towards environmentally friendly technologies. The world population is growing to about 9 billion people and global warming has been recognized as a serious issue. Global warming and population growth require transition to a worldwide, fully sustainable energy infrastructure. Challenges are reduction of Carbon Dioxide exhaust by transport and industry. This will require the development of several “green” technologies such as bio-fuels and bio-chemicals, high efficiently electricity generation and the use of renewable raw materials.
Since Frits Dautzenberg became a consultant in 2004, some notable results have been obtained by working on projects related to the challenges mentioned above. In this presentation, he will highlight four special projects.
1. bio-mass based poly-ethylene-furan,
2. small scale Fischer-Tropsch technology,
3. catalytic distillation technology for di-methyl-ether as diesel fuel
4. re-refining of used lubricating oil.
In summary, these and other developments may lead to the reduction of oil imports for many countries and it is becoming clear that the evolution from carbon to carbohydrates is moving forward.
University Racing Eindhoven with their electric Formula-style racecar will be in the Auditorium as well!
Dr Frits Dautzenberg, Expert in applied catalysis and process development. Studied and got his Ph D from TU/e He is an expert in applied catalysis and process development. He worked with Shell in Amsterdam, France and Canada (tar sand refinery). Subsequently, he became vice president of engineering at Catalytica Inc.in California, a small R&D company developing new catalyst technologies for the production of clean chemical processes. After moving to New Jersey, he became vice president of technology development with ABB Lummus Global till 2004.
In parallel, he went on to teach a range of industry related courses on the subject of Conceptual Process Design back at the TU/e as Adjunct Professor. He has also published a large number of scientific articles and is named as inventor on approximately 25 patents.
Currently, Dr Dautzenberg is actively involved with various companies around the world as Founding Director of Serenix Corporation– a catalyst and process technology consulting company, based in Fort Collins, Colorado.
TU/e Auditorium Collegezaal 11 + Glazen Zaal
Den Dolech 2, 5600 MB Eindhoven
Regio Zuid
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ir. Gerard van Vucht