Alumni Startup Night at Tilburg University

Join the second edition of the Alumni Startup Night!
Tilburg University | March 28 2024
On Thursday March 28th, Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology will organize the Alumni Startup Night. The goal of this inspiring evening is to create valuable synergies between the skills, knowledge, and networks of both alumni communities. This year’s theme is: 'Climate & Energy Transition'. Are you an entrepreneur or is your company looking to connect with startups? Do you want to share your knowledge about entrepreneurship or climate & energy transition with a new generation? Then come to the Alumni Startup Night to connect, share knowledge and experiences, do some networking and support the new generation of entrepreneurs.
Wim van de Donk
Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board, Tilburg University
Silvia Lenaerts
Rector Magnificus, Eindhoven University of Techonology
Mohammed Chahim
Member of the European Parliament
Martijn Ildiz
Founder & CEO, IM Efficiency
Harmen van Heist
Co-founder, Spark
Bas Verkaik
Founder, ELEO Technologies
17.00 - 18.00 Registration including Food & Drinks (Foyer Koopmans Building)
18:00 - 19:30 Plenary program (Auditorium Cobbenhagen Building)
- Opening: Cas Verstappen & Bob van der Meulen, Round One Ventures & Martijn Ildiz, alumnus Tilburg University & Founder IM Efficiency
- Welcome: Prof. Wim van de Donk, Tilburg University & Prof. Silvia Lenaerts, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Keynote: Mohammed Chahim, Member of the European Parliament (responsible for e.g. the European Green Deal), alumnus Tilburg University
- Keynote: Bas Verkaik, alumnus Eindhoven University of Technology & founder ELEO Technologies
- Keynote: Harmen van Heist, alumnus Tilburg University & Co-founder SPARK
- Closure: Cas Verstappen & Bob van der Meulen, Round One Ventures
19:30 - 21:00 Networking drinks (Foyer Cobbenhagen Building)
Organized by Tilburg University and TU/e
Thanks for the permission of the TU/e Alumni relations Office to invite KIVI-members to participate in this event.
For more info and registration go to the Startup Night website