Innovisit at TU/e Innovation Space
TU/e Innovation Space TU/e Innovation Space innoVisit
TU/e innovation Space is the center of expertise for Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) and student entrepreneurship at TU/e, a learning hub for education innovation and an open community where students, researchers, industry, and societal organizations can exchange knowledge and develop responsible solutions to real world-challenges.
From dream, to demo, to impact
What do a solar camper, an artificial heart, and a firefighting drone have in common? They are created by engineers of the future.
These engineers of the future work on urgent societal challenges. Real-world, open-ended challenges from industry, government, and society. The societal challenges are complex and can’t be solved by selecting a clever technological solution from a single field. For example, how do we ensure clean, affordable energy? Sufficient housing? Food for all? And how can we age healthily, as life expectancy increases? These challenges require creative solutions based on collaboration and communication. So, these engineers of the future need to be able to pitch their ideas, deal with uncertainty, and work in interdisciplinary teams with an entrepreneurial mindset.
innoVisits (10-12-24)
During our innoVisit, you get a 360° view of TU/e innovation Space. Students related to our community host the event and share their experiences. After a welcome at the Matrix building, one of the students will give a presentation about TU/e innovation Space, followed by inspirational pitches by two or three Student Teams. Next, you tour Matrix and look at our facilities, event area and workshops. At the end of the visit, you meet some Core Team members of TU/e innovation Space. We serve some drinks, also the moment to fire all your questions.
Don't forget to sign up!
To register go to the innoVisit website.
Innovation Space and KIVI engineers
The challenges addressed by the students ask for guidance by the innovation space staff, but also by experienced engineers.
Maybe an opportunity for you KIVI engineer.
If Yes get in touch with the innovation space Core Team or KIVI.