Aerospace Pubquiz 2021
Join us for the traditional New Year's Aerospace Pubquiz! Edition 2021 will be digital, if possible even more competitive than last year's and again quizmastered by Jacco Hoekstra - former Dean of the Aerospace Engineering faculty at the TU Delft. This year all participants will be competing for the Aviation Pubquiz Cup!
You can sign up individually or per team (2-4 people max. per team).
The setting of the pubquiz will be as follows:
- All participants will join in a plenary Teams session, where the quizmaster will present the questions. You will receive the link to this online meeting room after registration.
- People participating in a team can set up a separate call/platform/digital meeting room at their own initiative, to communicate with their team members simultaneously.
- After every round of questions there will be a limited time frame in which each participant or team should submit their answers to the Pubquiz judges.
- More instructions will follow shortly upon receipt of your submission.
- We ask non-KIVI members for a small participation fee. In case an entire team existing of non-KIVI members would like to subscribe, only one person of that team has to register.
We hope to welcome you all soon at the start of a very Healthy and Happy New Year!