GYROPLANE, eindelijk vliegen met de auto
PAL-V International B.V. started in 2001 to design a roadable aircraft. It evaluated many potential technologies and created numerous concepts in cooperation with well-known research institutes and universities. The most important breakthrough was the maturing of the DVC tilting technology in 2005. This brought into reach the design of a real flying car instead of a roadable aircraft. This technology allowed for safe driving without compromises while having a high center of gravity and a narrow aerodynamic shape necessary for flying. The first real “flying car” concept was born!
Having designed and patented their findings and concepts, PAL-V International B.V. hired a team of very skilled engineers with automotive, aviation and motorcycle backgrounds and started the engineering of its proof-of-concept prototypes. World-class partners were selected and contracted for several system elements. This led to the first flight of PAL-V International B.V.’s proof-of-concept prototype in 2012.
Since then the company entered the next phase of development, engineering the first commercial version, optimizing the design, and starting up production. This will result in the market launch of the first model: the PAL-V ONE: the first, exclusive, limited, historic edition in its line-up of flying car models. The next chapter in the history of mobility is being written, by PAL-V International B.V., today!
Vooraf aan de bezoeken is de presentatie in de Nederlandse taal.
Marco van den Bosch
Bailybrugweg 13-F, Raamsdonksveer
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
ir. Lon J.M. van der Zon; tel 0650 641 845