Geotechnical Safety and Risk: ISGSR 2015
From 13 - 16 october 2015 the fifth International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR) 2015, will be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.The 5th ISGSR will be even more special, because it will be combined with the presentation of the end results of the Geo-Impuls programme in the Netherlands. It is a five year long, joint industry programme which aims at reducing geotechnical failure substantially in 2015. Implementing Geo Risk Management and the tools developed by the Working Groups in our projects and organizations are the key conditions in reaching this ambitious goal. The Dutch geo-engineers and managers would be honoured to present and discuss their results with the international geo-community.
Beursplein 37, 3011 AA Rotterdam
Bouw- en Waterbouwkunde
Risicobeheer en Techniek
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KIVI Congresbureau
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