Multifunctional Flood Defence
The symposium starts at 12:30 in the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences (in PSOR & lecture hall E) with lunch. During the afternoon, the speakers will give their presentations and there will be plenty of room for discussion and questions. At around 18:00 the symposium ends, then there will be time to discuss the subject with other participants while enjoying a drink in PSOR.
12:30 Lunch
13:00 Introduction by Han Vrijling
13:15 Leon Valkenburg, Witteveen & Bos
13:55 Bregje van Wesenbeeck, Deltares
14:35 Pause
14:50 Piet Dircke, Arcadis
15:30 Anneke Hibma, Van Oord
16:10 Pause
16:25 Peter van Veelen, TU Delft
17:00 Frank de Graaf, RHDHV
17:35 Closure by Han Vrijling
17:45 Drinks
The symposium will be chaired by Han Vrijling, professor emeritus at the TU Delft. Several experts will give their view on “Multifunctional Flood Defence of Urban Deltas”. Bregje van Wesenbeek works as a researcher/consultant in coastal systems at Deltares. Piet Dircke is working for the global water management business of ARCADIS and nearly has 30 years of experience in flood protection, water management and climate change adaption. Frank de Graaf works for Royal Haskoning DHV as an urban planner, specialized in port cities, waterfront planning and coastal development. Anneke Hibma currently is engineering manager at van Oord and has worked as a programme manager at Ecoshape (Building with Nature). Peter van Veelen is urban planner and researcher and moves between the world of research and the daily practice of spatial planning.
Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences
TU/ Delft
Bouw- en Waterbouwkunde
Waterbouwdispuut van de TU Delft
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Sjoerd Leenders 'Het Waterbouwdispuut'
Aanmelden via
The symposium committee: Sjoerd Leenders | Maartje Godfroy | Coen Disberg| Lennart van der Sande