
The North Sea offers great possibilities in terms of offshore energy and floating cities. How can we tackle challenges concerning marine ecology and efficiency to make optimal use of our North Sea for our future? Come and shine your light on this topic so that we all will learn from each other.

During this day, reknown key-note speakers from the HE field will shed a light on this theme, each from his/her own perspective.

We would like to introduce to you our moderator and our first speaker, Mark van Koningsveld and Emiel van Druten.

Prof. dr. ir. Mark van Koningsveld has been appointed as the new professor of Ports & Waterways. He succeeds Prof. em.Tiedo Vellinga. Mark van Koningsveld is also employed as Manager R&D Engineering at Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors. He obtained his masters degree in civil engineering from the TU Twente in 1998 and obtained his doctorate in 2003. In addition to his work at Van Oord is prof. Van Koningsveld among others, secretary of the Water & Maritime Top Sector, in which companies, researches, authorities and civil organisations work together on innovation for this sector, which is important for the Netherlands.

ir. Emiel van Druten is working on the interface of renewable energy and water at Witteveen+Bos since 2016. This combination fits with his background in mechanical engineering (BSc) and hydraulic engineering (MSc) at TU Delft. Within Witteveen+Bos, Emiel works in the group Wind and Solar Energy, where he is focusing on offshore wind. He is the project manager of the Student Innovation Hub Energy Island. He has mentored several students investigating this topic. Energy efficiency optimization and storage possibilities in hydropower and pumping stations are another example of projects where Emiel uses his expertise in both energy and water.

The second speaker we would like to introduce to you is Mindert de Vries from Deltares.

Mr. De Vries is an expert advisor specialized in environmental impact assessment and integrated coastal zone management. He has extensive knowledge of coastal ecosystems, habitat suitability evaluation, nature restoration, eco-engineering of soft and hybrid flood defense measures and impacts of water- and sediment pollution for species and ecosystems. Mr. De Vries is a project leader of many advisory and research studies within the Netherlands and abroad, particularly in the United States, Middle East and Southeast Asia.

He is specialized in research and advise on integrating biology and geomorphology, related to flood risk in coastal and estuarine ecosystems. He has held a professorship on eco-engineering on the University of Applied Sciences Hogeschool Zeeland and is now leading a center of expertise on climate adaptation of coastal landscapes. Mindert is project coordinator for an EU Framework Programme 7 R&D project on contribution of foreshores to flood risk reduction and disaster risk management.


TU Delft, Faculty of 3ME, lecture hall A

Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft


Bouw- en Waterbouwkunde

Het Waterbouwdispuut

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Focco Vons, Chairman 'Het Waterbouwdispuut, e-mail

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