
Mr. drs. Kees Homan, Clingendael Institute,The Hague

The aim of the lecture series Technology, Peace and Security is to give insight in the problems of war and peace against the background of developments in the field of society and politics. Technology and technicians were always of great importance here.

It is a well-known fact that technology played an important role in the manufacturing of weapons and weapon systems. The development of the atomic bomb is the most striking example of this role. Technicians were also involved in the production of chemical and biological weapons.

It is less well known however, that technology and technicians contribute in an important way towards the prevention of conflict and in peace keeping operations. Satellites and sensors call attention to conflicts and play a roll in the control of treaties. Technicians are indispensable in the dismantling of weapon systems, as for example landmines and chemical weapons.

Other subjects that are discussed during the lectures are the role of ethics in questions of war and peace, the threat of terror, new weapon systems and the role of the military in peace keeping operations.

Lecturers of the TU/e, other universities and well known research institutes deliver the lectures. In this way a varied treatment of the problems of war and peace and the role of technology is guaranteed.

De colleges worden gegeven in de Engelse taal


Auditorium TU Eindhoven - zaal 15


Defensie en Veiligheid


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KTZE bd Jan Wind, voorzitter Defensie en Veiligheid.

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