Europese Defensie samenwerking (Engelstalig)
Seminar on European Defence cooperation organised by Eurodefense Nederland and KIVI Defence and Security.
During this seminar views from the Netherlands on future European Defence cooperation will be presented and discussed with an international audience. Presidents and board members of the 15 Eurodefense associations will participate as part of their 3 day conference. Members of KIVI Defence and Security and Eurodefense Nederland are welcome to participate.
Sander van der Sluis (Head of European Union Defence Policy at NL MoD)
Netherlands Defence policy white paper 2022
Bart Groothuis (Member European Parliament, Renew Europe)
Future of European Defence
Maarten Lutje Schipholt (Netherlands Industries for Defence and Security foundation NIDV)
Industry views on European cooperation
Ron Keller (former Netherlands Ambassador to a.o. Ankara, Kiev, Moscow and Beijing)
Observations on European foreign policy, impact of Ukraine war
Unfortunately, livestreaming will NOT be available.