Fast, Efficient and Automated Naval Operations with Ground-effect Technologies
Ground effect boats, although not well known, have recently begun to be rediscovered and widespread in both military and commercial areas.
Ground effect vehicles cruise at very high speeds without touching the water, thanks to the air cushion formed under their wings at low altitude. While the resistance acting on the wing during the cruise decreases, the wing efficiency increases as the lift force increases. In this way, ground-effect vehicles can reach speeds higher than any other marine vehicle. In addition, they have less fuel consumption, longer range and higher carrying capacity than aircraft and helicopters.
The proposed design differs from conventional ground effect vehicles by its hover (with a middle fan) and VTOL capabilities. This natural sea skimmer with extreme speed and VTOL capability, makes the vehicle suitable choice in diverse environments with efficiency, long-range, higher load capacity, lower-observability, lower cost being some of the main advantages.
Please join us to discuss the new possibilities for naval operations.
The presentation will be in English and held by Erdem Kazakli, Co Founder& CEO of Lifthop Services..