Imarest organiseert Mini-symposium 2020: Data Driven Maintenance
Dear members of the Imarest Benelux branch,
One of our traditions as Benelux branch is the mini-symposium at the end of the year followed by the annual grand meeting (AGM). Luckily, we are able to continue this tradition also this year! Our committee did a great effort to organize a virtual edition, see the details in the attachment. Our first online event, the technical lecture of Lode Huijgens was a big hit, so we hope to continue in this way till physical meetings are possible again.
The topic of this year is data-driven maintenance. We have seen a lot of publications about autonomous shipping with remotely operated tugs, autonomous mooring of ferries and autonomous vessels. But what about the maintenance of ships with small crews or no crew at all? To support more autonomous vessels a move from corrective and periodic to data driven maintenance is urgently required. Therefore, IMarEST Benelux organises an online mini symposium on Data Driven Maintenance on Friday 13-11 from 13:00 to 16:30, with the perspective from academia, industry and an end user, the Royal Netherlands Navy.
I hope we triggered your enthusiasm and curiosity, so hopefully you will be able to join!
Best regards,
Erik-Jan Boonen
Honorary Secretary Benelux Branch
PS. Unfortunately Google made a change to their forms. If you have trouble filling the registration form, you need to login, please send us an email for registration.
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