About the Phoenix project
An important current task is the project PHOENIX. Phoenix is a European H2020 project that is jointly executed by TU Eindhoven, ANTEA Group, RWTH Aachen, University of Groningen and KU Leuven. It focusses on measuring inaccessible environments like groundwater flow by using ultra-low power wireless sensor networks. Minuscule sensor balls, so called motes, governed by instinctive behaviour and lightweight enough to float in water are presently developed by the European consortium headed by TU/e. Objective is to inject the motes in environments like oil reservoirs, geophysical structures, but also large scale industrial reactors to gain system information otherwise not accessible. In my presentation I will discuss the technology and the methodology based on the development and the application of sensor mote demonstrators.
Phoenix is a radically new, high risk/high reward project. It also holds the promise to shed light on emergent properties of self-organization, local adaptation and division of labour in autonomous systems. The high societal benefits, foundational character and long-term focus make Phoenix a perfect fit for European research ambitions.
All research is performed by doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and senior scientists in collaboration with a team of skilled engineers from the headquarters in Assen, The Netherlands, as well as within internationally renowned partner institutes.
Prof.dr. Heinrich J. Wörtche has been appointed in Januari 2015 as professor Miniature Wireless Explorative Sensor Systems at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Technical University Eindhoven, he has been Founder, Scientific Director and Director of the private research institute INCAS3, and he also was Founder & CTO of Ingu Solutions, a Canadian based high-tech spin off. 20yrs experience in academia and private research. Passion to take cutting edge research to global marketplace. PhD in Physics.
De Groeneloper 19, 5612 AP Eindhoven
TU Eindhoven
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Dr. ir. Eric Persoon KIVI-EL tel. 06 53 24 17 91
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