EIRES | Energizing Day 2023
EIRES | Energizing Day 2023
After a very successful first edition last year, on Friday 23 June 2023, EIRES (Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems) will organize its second Energizing Day.
During this day, you will get up to speed with the latest developments in energy research, both from inside and outside of TU/e.
Mark your calendar to join us for an energizing day of talks, discussions, and networking.
SPEAKERS (confirmed)
Marnix Wagemaker | Delft University of Technology
Head of Storage of Electrochemical Energy (SEE)
Floor Alkemade | Eindhoven University of Technology
Chair of Economics and Governance of Technological Innovation
René Janssen | Eindhoven University of Technology
Leader interdepartmental research group Molecular Materials and Nanosystems
Christina Papadimitriou | Eindhoven University of Technology
Assistant Professor Electrical Energy Systems
09h30 WALK-IN | registration with coffee & teaChair of the day
Mark Boneschanscher - Eindhoven University of Technology
Managing Director EIRES
10h00 Opening
Silvia Lenaerts - Eindhoven University of Technology
Rector Magnificus - Executive Board
10h10 EIRES - looking back, looking forward
Richard van de Sanden - Eindhoven University of Technology
Scientific Director EIRES
10h30 Social tipping dynamics to accelerate the energy transition
Floor Alkemade - Eindhoven University of Technology
Chair of Economics and Governance of Technological Innovation
11h00 BREAK | with presentations on exhibition floor
11h30 Material developments for next generation batteries
Marnix Wagemaker - Delft University of Technology
Head of Storage of Electrochemical Energy (SEE)
12h00 Pitches exhibition floor
12h30 WALKING LUNCH | with presentations on exhibition floor
14h00 Questions of selectivity in electrocatalysis
Vanessa Jane Bukas - Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society - Berlin
Group leader FHI Theory Department
14h30 Integrated energy systems for energy transition
Christina Papadimitriou - Eindhoven University of Technology
Assistant Professor, Intelligent Energy Systems - Electrical Energy Systems (EES)
15h00 BREAK | with presentations on exhibition floor
15h30 Increasing the efficiency of solar cells using perovskites
René Janssen - Eindhoven University of Technology
Leader interdepartmental research group Molecular Materials and Nanosystems
16h00 Interaction with audience
16h15 Wrap up & closure
16h30 DRINKS | Networking with speakers and participants
Target audience
EIRES Energizing Days are open for anyone interested in the latest developments in energy storage and conversion.
The EIRES team is proud to present a series of top-notch speakers who will share their views, solutions and outlooks on the challenges we are facing when it comes to the energy transition.
The day leaves plenty of room for networking.
The EIRES team is looking forward to meeting you!