Energy Now 2017: Innovating towards zero
On May 30 2017Â Royal Dutch Engineering Society was present: Short report of Energy Now: innovating towards zero:
The host of the day Lieve Scheire and the chairman Len Wismeyer opened the first session and introduced the first keynote speaker Thijs Aarten managing director of Ecofys.
Keynote Thijs Aarten (Ecofys)
Mr Aarten explained the way of working and role of Ecofys. One of their important contributions towards proper climate change policies is the Climate Action Tracker (http://www.climateactiontracker.org/) which tracks the effects of the action planned by the participant of the climate agreement.  Fig. 1 shows the global-mean temperature increase above pre-  industrial by 2100, with an uncertainty range originating from carbon-cycle and climate modelling The current plans (pledges) do not reach below 2 C, so a lot more has to be done. A huge transition is needed with no CO2 emission around 2050!
Measures like energy efficiency, usage of renewables are main factors to consider. Prices of PV and wind will lower still more making these renewables profitable without subsidies.
There is a need an enabling environment which provides proper regulations, reduction of risk for investors and transparency of climate risks. That will lead to a future with an energy cloud, smart grid including storage and power2gas.
Settalk Sandro Tacoville (KU Leuven)
Tells about results of Flexicity project which is about a SW platform for Demand Response and Energy Storage which optimizes a neighbourhoodâs energy with benefits for all participants from selling flexibility.
Breakout sessions
The next part of the day consisted of many breakout sessions before and after lunch.
Some remarks on the topic "Green Architecture".
Interesting view and technical details of the renovation of the ATLAS building of the Tue campus. Is currently ongoing and has earned a BREEAM outstanding award (2017) with a 93.86% score. Is a result of a coordinated effort of the various building disciplines and additional benefits form the living lab technologies initiated by ILI (Intelligent Lighting Institute (TU/e). An open API (Application Program Interface) will be provided for the lighting researchers with also access to the building sensors.
BAM and Stedin
Show a number of results related to renovation and retrofitting older buildings which is done as part of a EU project Rennovate. It is like the âstroomversnellingsâ activities in the Netherlands. Aspects are a BAM service to create flexibility by storing energy in 150 L water in all the individual homes. Gave rise to interesting discussions.
The day was closed by a SETtalk of Strukton followed by a talk by Remco de Boer.
Settalk Strukton
Patrick van Geffen (Strukton) made a clear statement about the platform Strukton is providing for collecting building data and combine those âBIG DATAâ towards an advice to the building manager.
Talk Remco de Boer
In his talk Remco (Energia, BNR) challenged the audience to take action in the transition! There are a lot of confusing factors, but action is really needed.
After a very successful first edition of the congress in June 2016, Energy Now will be back with a brand new edition on the 30th of May. Energy Now addresses the current energy transition in a positive and accessible way. We strive to inspire, interest and trigger the audience in order to strengthen the connections between researchers, businessmen and students. In this way, Energy Now brings together three important groups, that hold the power over the sustainability of today, but also of the future.
In December 2015 the world united to fight climate change in The Paris Agreement. 195 Countries agreed to the world's first universal action plan to tackle climate change by limiting global warming to âwell below 2°Câ. This historical achievement was just the beginning â now every country must turn their promises into action.
The European Union set key targets for 2020, 2030 and a long-term goal. One of these targets concerns a cut in the greenhouse gas emissions. One of the well-known and important greenhouse gasses is CO2, the emission of CO2 is high and needs to be reduced rapidly. The problem is that for this reduction our economy, lifestyle and infrastructure need to change.
How are we going to do this?
What do we need to achieve this goal? And is it possible to maintain our current way of living if we want to do so?
We will look for answers at the Energy-Now congress 2017 âInnovating towards zeroâ.
The day will be divided in theme lines with topics such as offshore wind, urban energy and micro grids.
Within those themelines, students, researchers and professionals attend workshops on the specific themes together. Those workshops are organized by companies and institutions that are closely connected to the theme.
The day will be started and ended with a plenairy sessions guided by Lieven Scheire. In those sessions we will explore the current state of the energy transistion with the managing director of Ecofyse and hear short, inspiring talks from visionairies. Remco de Boer, writer for the FD and Energeia, will wrap up the day. At the exibition floor and during the lunch and the network drinks there is plenty of time to connect with companies and professionals from the energy sector. Lunch and drinks are included.
Energy Now is organized by the Team Energy-Now of the Technical University of Eindhoven.
The tickets for students are âŹ6,50 and for professionals âŹ80.
Only KIVI members will have a reduced ticket Professional, use the kortingscode (sent by mail)
to fill in at the portal of tickets (tab on the site of Energy-Now).
To register use the link under or go to the tab "Tickets" at the website of https:// Energy-now.nl
The Royal Dutch Engineering Organisation department Electrical Engineering (South), which is supporting the team Energy-Now.
Hereby we highly recommand you to join this congress.
Lieven Scheire is a comedian, physicist and science communicator, presenting on stage and on TV, in both Dutch and English and will open and end the congress Energy-Now 2017.
Thijs Aarten, Managing Director & EME practice leader of Ecofys, will be opening Energy Now with his vision on the current energy transition and todays trends. Ecofys will also be present at the exhibition floor!
The energy and climate consultancy Ecofys has become a trusted advisor to governments, corporates, NGOs and energy providers worldwide. In 2016, Ecofys joined forces with Navigant and is now part of the leading global energy consultancy. A joint team of more than 600 consultants delivers powerful results in the energy and climate transition.
Ecofys develops innovative solutions and strategies to support its clients in moving forward in the energy transition and the challenge of climate change.
Ecofys is a Navigant company (https://www.navigant.com/news/energy/2016/ecofys).
For information regarding Ecofys please visit www.ecofys.com and for Navigant please visit www.navigant.com.
For the final progamm see website www.energy-now.nl of the Team Energy Eindhoven
Auditorium - TU/e Science Park
Den Dolech 2 5612 AZ EINDHOVEN
Team Energy Eindhoven (TUe)
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Dr. Ir. Steven Luitjens Member of the Royal Dutch Engineering Society, department Electrical Engineering, Team EnergyNL2050 (see http://www.kivi.nl/energynl2050
Register Congres Energy Now May 30 2017
Info Congres Energy-Now at Facebook
Program and Symposia EnergyNL2050
Congress Energy-Now 2017: Innovation to zero!
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See upper link or the tab "Ticket" at the website http://energy-now.nl/