Health Resarch at Imec in Eindhoven
Welcome at Imec
With over 5,500 employees from more than 95 nationalities, Imec is the world's largest independent research center in nanoelectronics and digital technology. Top scientists and experts in various research disciplines, an advanced R&D infrastructure, and a global network of companies from the high-tech industry, pharma, ICT, energy sector. Imec unites world-industry leaders across the semiconductor value chain, Flanders-based and international tech, pharma, medical and ICT companies, start-ups, and academia and knowledge centres.
Imec and Holst Centre
With the establishment of Holst Centre in 2005, expertise in wireless sensor technologies by imec and flexible electronics by TNO merged under one roof at the High Tech Campus Eindhoven. Imec at Holst Centre develops technologies that address global societal challenges and contribute to new microelectronic and sensor technology solutions in the areas of health & vitality, energy & climate, mobility & industry 5.0. The demonstration models and prototypes developed by Holst Centre are converted into new products and new production processes by leading high-tech partners.
On bioelectronics and kidney health
During this visit, you will meet the health program referred to as Autonomous Therapeutics. Imec’s core nanotechnology, being MEMS, photonics and advanced CMOS design, is used to develop solutions for customers in the field of implantable and wearable therapies. Special interest goes to the nervous system (bioelectronic medicine) and the human renal system (in close cooperation with the Dutch Kidney Foundation and the European Kidney Health Alliance).
Welcome and introduction to imec (Patrick van Deursen, program director health imec The Netherlands)
The peripheral nervous system as a portal for bioelectronic medicine (Geert Langereis)
By capturing and analyzing a person’s bioelectronic signals we can detect the flares and progression of specific classes of (chronic)diseases. In addition, through implantable electronic therapeutic devices, we can intervene to address or modulate the underlying causes. Such closed-loop implants are the embodiment of the vision of bioelectronic medicine. Imec develops technology to make the implantable therapies of the future. During your visit you will see how nanotechnology can interact with the human body and what such applications demand from powering and data-exchange strategies.
Nanotechnology for kidney replacement therapies (Lucas Lindeboom)
Imec is an active player promoting the synchronization between roadmaps from the Kidney Health Initiative (KHI), European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN). The current wafer-based manufacturing techniques can replace several kidney functions: filtering, detoxification, desalination and fluid load control. This will boost the development of an (ultimately) implantable artificial kidney.
Additional info
Imec website: Selective peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) for medical implant devices
Imec website: New dialysis approaches using microelectronics & nanotechnology
At the ground floor of the Holst Centre, Imec shares the Exhibition Center with TNO. This is the starting location of the lectures and will be used for some selected demos. Our host is Mr. Geert Langereis (IMEC).
At the 26 October, we visited the imec the Netherlands lab in the Holst Centre on the High Tech Campus Eindhoven. The topic was Health research at imec. Two presentations, one on bio electronic medicine (#BEM) by Geert Langereis and one on artificial (implantable) kidneys by Lucas Lindeboom, gave a good impression of the activities going on in the imec health program.
After the lecture demos illustrated some of the results obtained.
Drinks were available after the lectures near the Experience Center.
Joint effort KIVI sections
The visit was organized by the KIVI Electrical Engineering and the KIVI Region-South sections.
Thanks for Geert Langereis for making the visit possible.
For information: Dr. Steven Luitjens KIVI Electrical Engineering
Link to Holst Centre powered by imec and TNO
Link to: KIVI Electrical engineering