EIRES: Energizing Day 2024 ‘Innovation powering the energy revolution'

Report of Energizing event 2024
Organized by
Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES)
Welcome to Energizing Day, the event where innovation and forward-thinking collaboration take center stage. Today marks a special occasion: the formal integration of the Center for Computational Energy Research (CCER) into the Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES). This step strengthens our shared mission to accelerate the energy transition by bringing fundamental research to real impact in the complex challenges of tomorrow.
EIRES is known for its broad expertise in renewable energy research with communities focusing on the energy transition in the built environment or the greening of the process industry. With the integration of CCER, a specific focus area for computational energy research will positively impact our entire community and strengthen our material, device, and system scale research.
CHAIR OF THE DAY: Diana van der Sloot | Eindhoven University of Technology | Program manager EIRES
09h30 WALK-IN | registration with coffee & tea
Mark Boneschanscher | Eindhoven University of Technology | Managing Director EIRES
Richard van de Sanden | Eindhoven University of Technology | Scientific Director EIRES
Prof. Dr. Christoph J. Brabec | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg | Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology
11h00 BREAK | with presentations on exhibition floor
11h30 The Quest for Sustainable and Circular Battery Technologies - Operando X-ray Techniques probing Dynamic Processes in Batteries
Prof. Dr. Moniek Tromp | Universiteit Groningen | Chair of Materials Chemistry
12h00 Pitches on the exhibition floor
12h30 WALKING LUNCH | with presentations on exhibition floor
14h00 Cool Crystals – From Hand-Warmers to Heating Homes
Andrew Bissel | Sunamp Ltd | CEO
Prof. Dr. Colin Pulham | School of Chemistry, The University of Endinburgh | Professor of High-Pressure Chemistry
14h45 Power system resilience: current status and future trends
Andrea Mazza | Politecnico di Torino | Associate Professor of Power Systems
15h15 BREAK | with presentations on exhibition floor
15h45 Users and (smart) energy management – why do they behave different from what we think and what to do about it?
Prof. Kirsten Gram-Hanssen | Aalborg University | Professor of Sustainable Cities and Everyday Practice
16h15 Wrap up & closure
16h45 End of program
16h45 - 18h00 Networking with drinks
Curious about our speakers, their presentations and research?
Meet our speakers and moderator
More information
Contact information: EIRES office | eires@tue.nl.