SMART GRIDS Integrate Renewable Energy
The theme of the symposium was integrating sustainable renewable energy into the Dutch grid. The large variability of wind and PV require special action to realize stable reliable power for all users. The first speaker, Jan Pellis of Stedin, referred to the Paris agreement in 2015 and the huge task to reach those goals. Reports from a joint study with ECN, the FLEXNET study. Flexibility is key and needs to be supported by energy storage and imports from outside the Netherlands. But also finding users is important. An example is the island Goeree-Overflakkee close to Rotterdam. There are a lot of windmills and not many users. Does Stedin really need to upgrade the transport network in the future to enable the peaks to be transported elsewhere or do we get more industrial users on the island? A recent development is an agreement, on December 8 2017, between the community of Goereee-Overflakkee, Stedin and a number of parties to experiment with production of hydrogen (H2) as an additional load for the wind mills.
The chairman Leatitia Ouillet (TU/e) indicates that wind fluctuations have already produced large and fast swings of energy. At the Gemini wind park 250 MW/min is reported and in the UK 700 MW/ 5 minutes!
The next speaker Wil Scholten from Netbeheer Nederland shows the large changes he expects in energy (electricity) usage. With electric cars coming for mobility and heat pumps for heating the capacity of LV electrical power for an average home will increase with a factor 5 in the future.
He refers to the report of Netbeheer Nederland and CE-Delft on this topic. "Net voor de Toekomst" from November 2017. A summary of the report is attached below.
Yohannes Hugo from Elestor is the next speaker. A PhD student at TU/e and linked to Elestor. He makes clear that for a reliable grid storage of electricity is really needed. The flow battery of Elestor is a good option for cost effective storage.
Of course there are the technical issues mentioned above. But non-technical may be more important for the energy transition. Remco de Boer makes this clear in his presentation with the title “Dutch Energy transition for Dummies”. This lecture was organized by the symposium and the Studium Generale committee of the TU/e. The aula of the TU/e was crowded. He refers to the Emission Gap Report 2017 of the UN which states that the actions of the nations proposed till now are not enough.
At the same time due to increase of the prosperity the energy consumption grows. He asks for an ambitious but realistic approach, from engineers, but also from politicians and NGO’s. To do that we need facts and go from there.
To celebrate its 60th birthday, Thor is organising a month full of activities. One of these activities is a symposium about smart grids. It will take place on Wednesday the 6th of December and will be held at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
The day will start off with lectures about renewable energy in smart grids and about the energy transition that is taking place in the Netherlands. After the lunch there will be a business case and guided lab tours. The day will finish with more in-depth lecturers about energy storage and power electronics used in smart grids.
During the day you will of course be provided with coffee, thee, lunch and a networking drink at the end of the symposium. For more information about the symposium, you can visit our website listed below.
The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) is sponsoring this event, which perfectly fits the KIVI-EE strategy to promote activities with students and young professionals on the one hand and to stimulate discussions on the energy transition on the other hand.
· Laetitia Ouillet director of the strategic area Energy at TU/e
· Wil Scholten program manager Netbeheer Nederland
· Yohanes A. Hugo membrane electrode assembly scientist at Elestor BV and member of the Processes group of TU/e.
· Remco de Boer publicist energy and energy transition
· Prof. René Kamphuis is involved in smart grids and smart energy systems at TNO. Part-time professor at TU/e in `Smart operation of electricity grids through ICT?.
· Prof. J. G. (Han) Slootweg director Asset management Enexis and part-time professor Smart Grids at TU/e.
Eindhoven University of Technology
Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal
Symposiumcommissie der e.t.s.v. Thor
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
ir. Steven Luitjens Royal Dutch Engineering Society department Electrical Engineering
Smart Grids Symposium 2017 Thor
TU/e department electrical energy systems
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Smart Grids Symposium 2017 http://symposium.thor.edu/